Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1710: It's cool to have a basketball star brother


Miao Bamei threw the spoon, stood up with a cold face, and said coldly to Sun Jinling: "Only you can think so dirty, you have a Buddha in your heart, and everyone else is a Buddha. shit."


Xin Gan laughed out loud, but she didn't expect that Miao Bamei was usually quiet and her lips were quite slippery.

Real people don't show their faces!

"Miao Bamei, didn't you flatter Tang Xiaonan just because Tang Xiaonan gave you sweetness, huh, you said it righteously, who doesn't know who you are!" Sun Jinling sneered, even more yin and yang strange. .

"Who am I? Tell me clearly!"

Miao Bamei's eyes became sharp, and everyone was startled. I didn't expect that Miao Bamei, who had always been very talkative, would suddenly become arrogant, and she was so imposing.

Sun Jinling was also startled, and subconsciously shrank her neck, but she soon became angry.

A pauper dares to bully her, why?

"Who are you, I need to tell you, who doesn't know that your family is so poor that you still owe the school's tuition fees, Miao Bamei, what are you pulling in front of me, and you have the ability to make up for the tuition fees? !"

"Sun Jinling, don't say a few words!" Zheng Xiaohong also sank.

Beating people without slapping their faces, cursing without exposing them, Sun Jinling went too far.

"What did I say wrong? If I don't pay the tuition fee, what qualifications do I have to talk about me?" Sun Jinling became even more angry, why did she say anything about her?

It was clearly Tang Xiaonan and Miao Bamei who were wrong.

"My family is poor and I don't eat your family's food. I owe the tuition fee, but I have negotiated with the school, and the school has not said anything about it. What qualifications do you have? Sun Jinling, I am poor and ambitious, and I am upright and upright. Those who are admitted, don't be afraid of what others say!"

Miao Bamei looked at Sun Jinling coldly, her eyes were very similar to that of Mr. Lin, and there was a faint murderous look in her eyes. Sun Jinling was guilty of being a thief and always felt that Miao Bamei meant something.

"What do you mean? No one who goes to school here is admitted!" Sun Jinling was stern, and her momentum was much weaker.

Miao Bamei sneered and didn't say anything. She had already mentioned Sun Jinling's matter to Teacher Shu, and Teacher Shu also reported it to the school. Now the investigation is underway. The dignified imperial university will definitely not allow anyone to cheat. If Sun Jinling really replaces If someone else, her fate will definitely be miserable.

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So she didn't need to say anything more, Sun Jinling's good days were coming to an end soon.

Sun Jinling didn't dare to say any more. She lowered her head to eat, but the food tasted like chewing wax in her mouth. After a while, she had to call home and instruct her father to calm down the family, so that nothing could go wrong.

She had to graduate smoothly.

Tang Xiaonan ran back, changed his coat, and carried his bag.

"Xiao Nan, are you not eating anymore?" Xin Gan asked.

"My third brother invited me to a big meal, and I'll bring you something delicious!"

Tang Xiaonan said while changing clothes, but she didn't know that her words caused an uproar.

"Is Tang Aijun your brother? My brother?" Mi Aiyu was the first to react.

"Yes, my third brother was born by a parent."

Tang Xiaonan said with a smile, and changed her clothes neatly. It feels really good to have a basketball star brother.

The other classmates were also quite shocked, Miao Bamei was relatively calm, she took Tang Xiaonan's rice bowl and pulled it towards her own bowl, don't waste it.

"Eighth sister, don't eat it, I'll bring you something delicious later." Tang Xiaonan said.

"These are good, it's a pity to waste them."

Miao Bamei doesn't dislike leftovers at all, but Tang Xiaonan's dishes are all good dishes.

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