Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1711: Poor 3 brothers

Tang Xiaonan was a little helpless, Lin Hua gave Miao Bamei a lot of living expenses and paid for her tuition fees, but the girl's life was still very simple, and she seldom cooked meat dishes, but it was worse than before when she couldn't even afford to eat vegetables. , is much better now.

At least every meal can be full, and occasionally eat meat, Miao Bamei is very satisfied.

"Xiao Nan, will your third brother really participate in the school competition?" Mi Aiyu asked excitedly.

"I don't know, I don't care about these things."

Tang Xiaonan didn't want to talk, she went out without waiting for Mi Aiyu to ask again.

Mi Aiyu looked disappointed, but her mood has changed now, she only has the heart to curry favor with Tang Xiaonan, and no longer dares to have a trace of dissatisfaction.

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Because she likes Tang Aijun.

If she could be with Tang Aijun, Tang Xiaonan would be her future sister-in-law, and it was too late for her to flatter.

"Why does Tang Xiaonan never say that her third brother is Tang Aijun? We have said it so many times in the dormitory, but she can't help it." A female classmate whispered, a little dissatisfied.

She felt quite ashamed because she also liked Tang Aijun. Every time she discussed Tang Aijun before, she clearly expressed her admiration for Tang Aijun, even in front of Tang Xiaonan.

I'm ashamed to think about it now.

"We didn't ask, what should people say? If you can't meet people, you can say Tang Aijun is her brother." Xin Gan snorted.

She annoys these people, never examines her own problems, and always blames others. Although her IQ is quite high, her emotional intelligence is actually quite touching.

"Tang Xiaonan is really happy, if only I had such an excellent brother." Someone envied.

"They also have an equally good fiancé."

"Tang Xiaonan is also very good herself, and her family background is good. I feel that she is the kind of little princess in the novel who has been petted from childhood to adulthood, and does not know the sorrows of the world."

"That's right, that's how it feels, I'm so envious."

The classmates chatted about Tang Xiaonan, all of them were very envious, and naturally they were also jealous.

Everyone's topic turned to the Lin family again.

"The Miss Lin family who was replaced is the real princess. That's the Lin family. I don't know who is the lucky one."

"Maybe there is no such person at all... Maybe the real son gave birth to a son, not a daughter."

The female classmate who said this changed her words abruptly. In fact, she felt that Sun Jinling was right. At that time, it was so chaotic. Maybe the real son of the Lin family died long ago, leaving no descendants!

Miao Bamei didn't lift her head or interrupt, and after eating two meals, she carried her schoolbag and went to self-study in the evening.

Tang Xiaonan and Tang Aijun went to the restaurant together, chatting on the way.

"Third brother, what's the situation between you and Sister Fangyuan now? Are you sure about the relationship?"

"What the **** are you doing kid?"

Tang Aijun's face turned red, pretending to be impatient, but Tang Xiaonan was so fooled, "You think I want to care about you, it was Mu's mother who called and asked if you were in a relationship? She also said that my grandmother has This girl has also been admitted to the imperial capital, and I want you to take time to meet and listen to Mu's tone, because I want that girl to be my third sister-in-law."

"I don't see it, I don't know it, see you."

Tang Aijun decisively refused.

"You talk to Mu's mother, third brother, you directly tell Mu's mother that you and Sister Fangyuan have already been in a relationship. It's been so many years, why haven't you done it yet?" Tang Xiaonan hated a little.

The ability of the third brother is not good, he is far worse than the second brother.

The second brother got the second sister-in-law in junior high school. When he arrived in the United States, the rice was cooked and cooked. He didn’t let the family worry about it at all. .

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