Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1712: 3 year goals

Tang Aijun's face turned even redder, and he faltered to say the reason, "You sister Fangyuan hasn't let go."

If Fang Yuan hadn't let go, why would he need to drag it until now?

Tang Xiaonan's eyes widened, but she still didn't let go?

But she felt that Fang Yuan was obviously interested in her third brother, and Fang Yuan was not the kind of girl who played with her feelings, so she probably wouldn't hang her third brother.

"Miss Fangyuan doesn't like you?"

"Of course not, your sister Fangyuan doesn't know how much you like me." Tang Aijun rolled his eyes and said nonsense.

"Then why doesn't she want to be your girlfriend?"

Tang Aijun's momentum suddenly wilted, and he whispered, "Your sister Fangyuan said that I am not suitable for a partner now."


Tang Xiaonan doesn't understand, her third brother is an adult, why is it not suitable for dating?

"She said that I am on the rise now, and I can't be distracted by my emotions. She made a three-year plan for me. If I can finish it ahead of time, I will meet someone, but I haven't finished it yet." Tang Aijun was a little embarrassed.

He thought that the three-year plan formulated by Fangyuan was very simple, but it was actually very difficult.

"What plan?" Tang Xiaonan was very curious and felt at ease.

Fang Yuan's concerns are right. The golden period of an athlete is only a few years, and falling in love will indeed be distracting. Her third brother is in charge of Fang Yuan, and her career will definitely be improved.

"She asked me to play in a basketball club in the United States, but I was not selected." Tang Aijun was even more embarrassed.

He used to think that he was very powerful, but when he went abroad, he realized that he used to be a frog at the bottom of the well, and his knowledge was too shallow.

Tang Xiaonan's heart moved, she knew that the basketball club, where the world's top basketball players are basically concentrated, if the third brother can be selected, it will definitely help his career, Fang Yuan really arranged it properly.

"Third brother, don't be discouraged, isn't there a year and a half left? You can definitely do it."

"Well, I think I can do it too, let's go, Fang Yuan must have left early." Tang Aijun's confidence was also quite high.

In fact, he didn't do his best in training before, and he still had some spare energy. Now he has to give 12 points of mental training, and strive to win the next selection.

The hotel chosen by Tang Aijun is just outside the school. The specifications are not bad. Fangyuan has already arrived in the box, and there is also Yu Duoduo. Since the school opened, Tang Xiaonan and Yu Duoduo have met several times, but Yu Duoduo is now Fangyuan's little follower. , I didn't even bother to pay attention to Tang Xiaonan, she followed Fang Yuan all day long, and it was Sister Fang Yuan who opened her mouth and closed her mouth.

If it weren't for the girl being a woman, Tang Xiaonan would have tried to blow the girl away long ago.

"Miss Fang Yuan."

Tang Xiaonan shouted with a smile, Fang Yuan smiled slightly, but Yu Duoduo next to her was unhappy, she raised her wrist and said dissatisfiedly: "You are three minutes late, Tang Xiaonan, you have a bad habit, how many things can you do in three minutes... "

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"It's just a private party, why are you so formal, Yu Duoduo? I've never seen you so nagging before."

Tang Xiaonan reluctantly interrupted. Since Yu Duoduo became obsessed with Fang Yuan, his IQ has indeed improved, but he is still not likeable. It is very similar to Fang Yuan who was meticulous when he was a child. It is too principled, and sometimes it is really speechless.

After growing up, Fang Yuan has become a lot smoother. Although he still talks about principles, he also talks about human feelings. This kind of Fang Yuan makes people feel very warm and much cuter than when he was a child.

"Private parties can't be..." Yu Duoduo was not convinced, Fang Yuan handed over the menu and said with a smile, "Order."

Yu Duoduo snorted angrily, ordered the dishes obediently, and squinted at Tang Xiaonan, who, not to be outdone, rolled her eyes at her.

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