Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1713: The 3 sisters-in-law are all academic masters

Tang Xiaonan unceremoniously ordered a bunch of dishes, Yu Duoduo couldn't help rolling his eyes, and whispered, "Eating less than a cat, ordering so much, wasting money..."

"I wasted my third brother's money, what are you in a hurry?"

Tang Xiaonan deliberately said a sentence, and Tang Aijun next to him smiled and said, "Xiaonan can't finish my food."

"What are you eating, and you want to be criticized by Coach Zhang again?" Fang Yuan sneered.

Athletes' food needs to be strictly controlled, and many foods are not allowed to be eaten, especially on the eve of the competition, the entry of things must be strictly controlled, otherwise, if the physical examination does not meet the standard, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

Tang Xiaonan's heart skipped a beat, and she remembered it too, and said hurriedly, "I ordered it for my classmates, and I will pack it back to the dormitory later. Third brother, you can eat what you can."

Of course, she doesn't waste food. She orders dishes that are easy to carry, such as roast lamb chops with sweet and sour pork ribs. She promised to bring delicious food to her dormitory classmates, but naturally she couldn't go back on her promise.

Tang Aijun smiled honestly and ordered some dishes that he could eat. Tang Xiaonan and the boss ordered them. Those dishes were no longer on the table, so they packed them up and took them away.

The restaurant's business is very good, basically all college students, and the hall is full of people, Tang Xiaonan and the others are in the box, the dishes are filled quickly, and the table is full.

"Hurry up and eat."

Fang Yuan took a piece of beef for Tang Aijun, and also for Tang Xiaonan, Yu Duoduo couldn't help pouting, and could smell the sour gas on her body from far away.

Tang Xiaonan snorted, she was stingy, Fang Yuan was her third sister-in-law, and Yu Duoduo wanted to eat.

"Sister Fangyuan, are you going home for the New Year?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Fang Yuan didn't go home during the summer vacation. She seemed to be busy with postgraduate entrance exams, and Fang Yuan was still doing an internship in a law firm. Although she has not graduated yet, she has memorized all the laws and regulations and passed the judicial examination. She is a member of a major law firm. Fragrant pastries that are vying for snatch.

But Fangyuan's goal is not only to be in the imperial capital, she wants to study abroad and study abroad for a Ph.D.

"If you want to go back, wait until the interview is over." Fang Yuan smiled.

She has passed the written test, and the interview will definitely not be a problem, but the process still has to go.

"Congratulations, Miss Fangyuan!"

Tang Xiaonan is also very happy, it seems that her three sisters-in-law are all academic masters, the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law are very talented, and the third sister-in-law is even more amazing. Reading is easier for her than eating, even if it is such a difficult profession as law, it is like a duck to water. Postgraduate entrance exams are as easy as primary school exams.

In the future, several of her nephews will definitely be high-IQ scholars.

After all, the child's IQ depends on the mother.

Fang Yuan smiled slightly, didn't say anything, and ate the dishes delicately, while Tang Aijun smiled until his eyes narrowed, as if he was the one who succeeded in the postgraduate entrance examination, no, he was happier than himself.

The four of them ate and chatted, and unknowingly ate for more than half an hour. Tang Xiaonan drank too much and his stomach was a little swollen, so he went to the bathroom. When he came back, he passed the box next to him. The door just opened and a tall girl came out.

He bumped into Tang Xiaonan head-on, the girl was tall and strong, Tang Xiaonan was knocked back several steps, and only stood firm after supporting the wall.

"Why don't you look at the road when you walk!"

The girl's tone was very dissatisfied, and her voice was somewhat familiar.

"Classmate, make it clear that you came out and hit me. I don't have a see-through eye, so how could I know that you would suddenly run out of it."

Tang Xiaonan was very upset. The female classmate hit hard, she hasn't recovered yet, and she still has a face to blame her, but this voice is strangely familiar, isn't it someone she knows?

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