Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1719: 2 old door

The campus is also discussing this matter these days, wondering what the real princess looks like?

"In my opinion, it should be a village girl. Maybe she has already married and had children. Girls in rural areas get married early, and there are many people who get married at fifteen or sixteen."

At noon that day, there were a lot of people sitting in the dormitory again, chatting while eating, and Sun Jinling was there, but today she was quite silent, not as active as usual, she didn't say anything, she just kept her head down and worked hard.

It was Mi Aiyu who said this. She didn't have a sympathy for this princess she had never met, but she hated it a lot. If it wasn't for this family, Lin Ranran would still be at school, and she wouldn't have to worry about her living expenses for the second half of the semester. .

"How do you know how old they are, maybe they are only ten years old."

"How is it possible, Lin Ranran's father is so old, it means that the real son is not too young, how can there be such a young daughter, at least she is in her twenties, and the baby can play soy sauce. "

Mi Aiyu was very sure, just like she knew other people, the other classmates didn't say anything. It's better that they don't talk about this kind of wealthy family.

Miao Bamei was also in the dormitory, bowing her head and cooking without saying a word, but she was in a good mood.

Because her father came out of the cell and the case was retrial, the village chief and daughter-in-law who wronged her father were arrested, and those who colluded with the village chief were also dismissed.

The result made people applaud, Miao Bamei had been suffering for several years, and today she was finally happy.

Her father was already on his way to the imperial capital, as well as her mother and younger siblings, Miao Bamei was looking forward to it, and the family would be reunited in two days.

As for other people's comments, Miao Bamei just pretended not to hear it. For her, it made no difference whether she was Miao Bamei or the little princess of the Lin family.

The only difference is that when the little princess of the Lin family doesn't have to go hungry, no one will bully her.

But she still has to study hard, everything else is empty, only the knowledge in her own mind is the most real, and it can't be taken away by others.

"309 Miao Bamei's classmate is looking for someone."

The horn rang, and the powerful voice of the hostess aunt sounded a little trembling today.

Miao Bamei went down, and soon brought Chen Xuezhen and Mr. Lin up. The second old man was bored at home, so he came out to see his granddaughter's school and met his granddaughter by the way.

In fact, they still miss their granddaughter. They haven't taken care of them for so many years. Now they just want to give all the good things to the granddaughter, but Miao Bamei has a strong temperament and doesn't have much need for material things. She doesn't want those good things. Even the living expenses are not much, only 100 yuan a month, and she will not charge more.

"The accommodation environment is not bad. They are all eating. You eat. We are the grandparents of the eighth sister."

Mr. Lin smiled kindly, without any air, but his majesty in the upper position for many years still made everyone dare not look up, and subconsciously tightened his neck, but he was thinking, Miao Bamei is so poor, why is it? Will there be such an extraordinary grandparents?

Chen Xuezhen looked at the dishes in Miao Bamei's bowl, frowned, and said unhappily, "Xiaoba, why are you only vegetarian? You eat more meat, look at your elbows, you are so thin that you can see bones, come on, Grandma made braised pork for you, eat it while it's hot."

The old lady opened the heat preservation bucket, and there was an attractive fragrance. It was braised pork with all the colors and flavors.

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