Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1720: Awake in peace

Miao Bamei is a little helpless. Her current food is much better than before, she is very satisfied, and she doesn't want to eat too well all at once, she is afraid that she will be addicted to enjoyment and delay learning.

If you eat too well and dress too warmly, you will have some thoughts that you shouldn't have. Miao Bamei doesn't have much confidence in her self-control.

In the past, the motivation for her to study hard was to go to the University of God, find her grandparents, and defend her father.

Now that her father is all right, and her grandparents have been found, she doesn't have to worry about life anymore. Bamei Miao was a little confused for a while, and for the first time she couldn't find her way.

What is she studying for now?

Others want to get good grades in exams in order to assign a good job. Now she has no such worries at all. Even if she is as bad as **** in the exam, with the power of the Lin family, she can still arrange a good job for her.

In this life, you will have no worries about food and clothing and live a prosperous life.

But that's not what she wants.

She compares her life to a ladder. Every time she crosses a level, she can get pleasure, which is impossible for anything, but now she has stepped to the last level, she doesn't know what to do ?

That's why she needs to remind herself all the time, don't forget the hard days in the past, and don't forget her original intention of learning.

Miao Bamei didn't reject Chen Xuezhen's braised pork, she would definitely not reject the old man's heart.

But after a while she had to tell the second old man not to come to the school in the future. Just now, the dormitory aunt saw the second old man's inspiring posture, and she could not stand still.

The orderly is still waiting below, and there is that awesome license plate number. The locals in the imperial capital know him with a little discernment, and Mr. Lin is often seen on TV, and many ordinary people know him.


Miao Bamei ate it in big gulps and gave Tang Xiaonan a lot of lean meat. She knew that Tang Xiaonan didn't eat fatty meat.

"It tastes really good, Grandma Chen, your cooking skills are really good."

Tang Xiaonan praised it, it was really delicious.

Chen Xuezhen laughed so hard that he couldn't close, "Eat more if it's delicious, young people don't diet, only meat is lucky, I'll give it to you next time."

Miao Bamei is even more helpless, don't come next time, I am afraid that the principal will come over again.

After eating the braised pork, Miao Bamei sent Er Lao down and chatted for a while at the door. Someone looked down from the window sill and saw the arrogant car and the orderly standing upright.

In my heart, I was even more curious about the identity of Mr. Lin and Chen Xuezhen, and they didn't seem to be small.

But how could such a person be Miao Bamei's grandparents?

"Miao Bamei, what are your grandparents doing?" Mi Aiyu couldn't help asking, her tone even more sour.

I couldn't believe it in my heart, if Miao Bamei had such lavish grandparents, why did she have to dress like a beggar when school started?

And Miao Bamei is obviously from Hunan Province, but the old man just now is a local from the imperial capital, so she can't even hit a pole.

"Retired and idle at home." Miao Bamei said concisely.

"Aren't you from Hunan Province? How come your grandparents have an accent from the imperial capital? Are they not your own grandparents?" Mi Aiyu asked to the bottom of it.

Miao Bamei frowned slightly, "I'm from Hunan Province, but my grandparents must be from Hunan Province? There's no such logic."

Mi Aiyu wanted to ask again, but Tang Xiaonan said angrily, "How similar is the eighth sister to her grandmother, isn't it possible for a relative to be so similar?"

Other students also said: "Yes, they are very similar, especially when they laugh, they are exactly the same."

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