Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1721: Identity is destined to be impossible to be ordinary

Everyone was talking about it. This one said that Miao Bamei and Chen Xuezhen were similar, and the other said that Miao Bamei and Mr. Lin were also very similar, especially the eyes, which were both Danfeng eyes with raised eyebrows, especially similar.

"Miao Bamei, your grandparents don't look like they have no money, why didn't they help you?" Mi Aiyu asked deliberately.

In fact, she was thinking that it must be that her grandparents did not want to see Eighth Sister Miao, just like her grandparents, she was the best student in the whole family, but her cousins ​​were the favorites of her granddaughter, thinking that her granddaughter was a loser. , It's useless to study again, sooner or later it will be someone else's family.

Miao Bamei's grandparents must be like this, otherwise, how can you explain the poor and sour look of Miao Bamei when she started school?

As for coming to deliver meat today, it is estimated that I was interested for a while, and I will definitely not come again in the future.

The more Mi Aiyu thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, and she felt much more comfortable.

There are a total of five classmates in the dormitory, not to mention Tang Xiaonan, she is beautiful, her family has money, her brother is a basketball star, and her fiancé is so good. For a girl like Tang Xiaonan, she doesn't even have the strength to be jealous, only envy.

There is also Xin Gan, although she looks a little more ordinary and her studies are not as good as others, but her family is rich. She has a thousand yuan in pocket money every month, which is more than her family spends a year.

As for Zheng Xiaohong, although her family is a little more ordinary, it is better than hers. Her parents are all paid, so she must have no worries about food and clothing.

Only she and Miao Bamei are poor students, but her situation is much better than that of Miao Bamei. At least she has paid all the tuition fees, and her clothes are not patched. She can still eat vegetarian food and occasionally get a copy. meat dishes.

Therefore, Mi Aiyu can only find a little sense of superiority in front of Miao Bamei and feel more relaxed.

But now, Miao Bamei actually has such rich grandparents. At first glance, it looks like an unusual family. The fire of jealousy in Mi Aiyu's heart began to burn, and she was deceiving herself. I hope that the situation at Miao Bamei's family is her as thought.

"How do you know that the grandparents didn't help? There's no need to tell you an outsider about the family's affairs!"

Tang Xiaonan said angrily, it was so annoying for someone like Mi Aiyu who likes to inquire about privacy, and also likes to expose her shortcomings, just for her pitiful and hateful self-esteem.

Mi Aiyu's careful thinking, Tang Xiaonan has long seen clearly, in fact, if this girl hadn't been so careful, it would not be a problem for her to help a bunch, but what she hated most was people who have too many hearts. Most people have anti-bones in the back of their brains, and they are likely to retaliate for their kindness, so don’t waste your feelings.

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"Go to class."

Tang Xiaonan packed her books and greeted Eighth Sister Miao. The dormitory was smoky and boring.

Miao Bamei didn't want to stay anymore, so she went out with Tang Xiaonan with her schoolbag on her back. As soon as they left, Mi Aiyu and the others discussed more recklessly. Xin Gan and Zheng Xiaohong couldn't listen anymore, so they both made excuses to leave.

There was still an hour left in class in the afternoon, Tang Xiaonan dragged Miao Bamei to the grass to bask in the sun.

"Lin's family seems to be holding a banquet. I want to introduce your family to everyone."

Miao Bamei frowned slightly, "My grandparents said this, but I don't like it, it's too exciting."

She didn't like this way of going home with much fanfare, she just wanted to read quietly and didn't want to be noticed.

"You have to learn to get used to it. You are the eldest lady of the Lin family now. Your status is destined to be impossible to be ordinary, let alone live a quiet life. Your grandparents and their grandparents are far-sighted, and they are definitely not wrong. Just listen to them." Tang Xiaonan advised road.

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