"It doesn't matter which you like, please don't go crazy at other people's wedding banquets, is it good for you?" Tang Xiaonan interrupted, she was just careful, and didn't want this green tea **** to say things she liked about her man in public .

Even just talking about it would make her feel uncomfortable.

She is not only physically obsessed with cleanliness, but also mentally.

Ji Shishi's heart froze, and then she remembered that it was the Lin family's confession banquet. She came here to have a relationship with Lin Xue Jianpan, but she was angered by Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan.

What should we do now?

She must have behaved badly just now, right? Aunt must be very disappointed in her, right?

Will grandfather know?

In just a few seconds, Ji Shishi had a dozen thoughts in her heart, her face became more and more ugly, she didn't know what to do for a while, and stood by herself.

The movement here caught the attention of the Lin family. Lin Jianwei came over. Although he was wearing casual clothes, the majesty of the high-ranking person all the year round was unknowingly exuding. snub.

"What's going on?" Lin Jianwei asked in a low voice.

"Uncle, this young lady doesn't know what's going on. The one who came over and cried, seems to be Mr. Huo's father's girlfriend. Maybe it's a relationship." Lin Xuejian said.

She doesn't care whether Ji Shishi and Huo Jinzhi's father have that kind of relationship, since Huo Jinzhi said there is, there must be.

Huo Jinzhi is Tang Xiaonan's fiancé, and Tang Xiaonan is her best friend. Of course she believes her friend's words.

"I'm not...they're talking nonsense!"

Ji Shishi screamed in a panic, his voice was very harsh, Lin Jianwei frowned slightly, his impression of Ji Shishi was extremely bad, he didn't learn well at a young age, and he went to the wedding banquet to make trouble, which is really outrageous.

I don't know whose daughter, so I turned around and said to my wife, don't be too casual when sending invitations, all cats and dogs are invited.

"Shishi, why did you come here?"

A gentle female voice sounded, Ji Xian hurried over, and her husband, a gentle middle-aged man, the couple heard that Ji Shishi had a dispute with someone here, so they hurried over.

Seeing that Lin Jianwei was also there, and his expression was unhappy, Ji Xian and his wife panicked. They didn't know what Ji Shishi had done to actually anger Lin Jianwei. This girl is too good at causing trouble.

"Lin Jun, I'm really sorry, Shishi is my niece. She's young and ignorant, so don't have the same knowledge as her!" Ji Xian quickly apologized, her usual reserved and noble appearance disappeared at this moment, and she even brought it with her. A little humble.

"Aunt, I don't, they framed my reputation..." Ji Shishi cried.

"Shut up and apologize!"

Ji Xian scolded her in a deep voice, her eyes became cold, she could see the chills on Ji Shishi's back, and she couldn't say the next words, but her tears flowed even more fiercely.

"Shishi, quickly apologize to Miss Lin!" My uncle also spoke up, and his eyes were disappointed.

Lin Jianwei didn't say anything. This was because he tacitly agreed that he believed the words of his niece, Lin Xuejian, and agreed with Ji Xian and his wife. Ji Shishi had to apologize.

Ji Shishi's mind was frozen, she didn't want to apologize, she obviously did nothing wrong, why should she apologize?

"Shishi, apologize!"

Ji Xian tugged at her niece and squeezed her hand without a trace. The severe pain made Ji Shishi sober a lot. When she looked up, she saw her aunt's eyes that were colder than a knife. Her heart sank to the bottom in an instant, knowing that she had nothing else to do chosen.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lin."

Ji Shishi gritted her teeth and apologized, her fingernails digging into her flesh, but she felt no pain at all.

It doesn't hurt her anymore.

She remembered today's humiliation, and sooner or later she will repay Tang Xiaonan!

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