Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1734: Give me as a present

The farce ended with Ji Shishi's apology. Ji Xian and his wife didn't want to stay any longer. They hurriedly left the table with Ji Shishi and never came back.

After the banquet, Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan went home together.

Aunt Yang cooked red bean soup at home, and Tang Xiaonan couldn't get enough to eat every time she had a feast, so she wanted to eat some snacks when she got home.

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As soon as she came home, Aunt Yang brought a bowl of warm red bean soup over to her. The thick soup exuded an attractive red bean fragrance, and Tang Xiaonan took a deep breath and was extremely satisfied.

"It's still delicious from home. It's really fragrant."

She scooped up a tablespoon full of it, and the aroma of red bean in her mouth was so delicious.

Huo Jinzhi was not interested in sweets, so Aunt Yang cooked him a large bowl of wontons and a plate of spring rolls, both salty and sweet.

"The small ones are sweet, the big ones are salty." Aunt Yang said with a smile.

"Delicious, auntie, let's fry some stuffed vegetables next time, I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Tang Xiaonan ate a salty root, which was shredded cabbage, shredded pork, and shredded black fungus. It was very delicious. She ate three roots in a row, and she didn't dare to eat it again. She had to control her appetite at night.

"Okay, it will explode tomorrow." Aunt Yang replied with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan ate a bowl of red bean soup, and the three spring rolls were full. Huo Jinzhi destroyed the rest. After eating, Tang Xiaonan lay in his arms and watched the video, and Aunt Yang also went back to her room to watch TV. , don't disturb their young couple.

The night is getting darker. Tomorrow is the weekend. You don't have to go to class. You can sleep in. Tang Xiaonan naturally needs to watch more.

"Where's my birthday present? It's my birthday soon, don't you forget it."

Tang Xiaonan murmured to remind her that it was her 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, and the gift must be done with care.

On Huo Jinzhi's eighteenth birthday, she had folded one thousand and one lucky stars, plus one thousand and one thousand paper cranes, and her fingers were bald, so sincere.

"What gift do you want?"

Huo Jinzhi asked in a low voice, while his hand rubbed gently on the lips of the girl in his arms, like a tickling, numb.

"It's boring to say it."

Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes, opened his mouth and bit his restless finger, and bit down with a little force.

Huo Jinzhi chuckled lightly, and did not take out his fingers, let Tang Xiaonan bite, and lowered his head, very close to her face, each other's breaths were on each other's faces.

"Would you like me to give it to you?"

Huo Jinzhi's voice was hoarse and carried some affection. Tang Xiaonan's face became hot, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid her, but she was now in Huo Jinzhi's arms. .

"do not want."

Tang Xiaonan snorted and pouted, but she was actually a little flustered.

She understood what Huo Jinzhi meant, but she wasn't ready.

I heard that it was very painful for the first time, as much as giving birth to a child.

She was most afraid of pain.

A soft sigh sounded in his ears, Huo Jinzhi lowered his head again, grabbed the girl's small earlobe, and nibbled punishingly.

"Really not?"

Confused, Huo Jinzhi asked again, his voice full of temptation.

Tang Xiaonan was so dizzy after being kissed that she unknowingly said what she said in her heart, "It hurts...don't..."


Huo Jinzhi kissed softly and tried his best to restrain himself, he was afraid of scaring his girl.

But he has been waiting for so long, and he really doesn't want to wait any longer. Eighteen years old...is a very suitable age.

That's what Gu Yunchuan told him.

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