Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1840: Careful Huo Jinzhi

"Auntie's granddaughter Lucy was bullied by these beasts a few days ago. These beasts said that Lucy was wearing a miniskirt and a camisole, and she was walking on the street at night, just to seduce them. The police also think so. Poor Lucy has not When I went out, I heard that it was very bad, and I committed suicide several times."

"Poor girl, these beasts should be shot!"

"Shoot the fart and let it out after only a few days. They even harassed Lucy, saying that as long as Lucy dares to go out, they will invite Lucy to the party!"

"The police don't care?"

"No matter what, nothing happened. I just invited people to the party. The police said it was normal social etiquette."

Cursing sounded from the crowd. The swearing was basically African-American and Chinese-American guests. They were all suffering from it. It is not the first time that the local police have shielded white people. The practice is double standards. The reason is justified. African-Americans and Chinese-Americans are persecuted, and the police turn a blind eye to cover up the murderer.

The aunt had beaten the gangsters to the death. All of them were paralyzed on the ground and unable to move. She clapped her hands and said to Huo Jinzhi, "Thank you!"

Huo Jinzhi took out a stack of money and wanted to give it to her, but the aunt didn't pick it up and strode away.

She just wanted to avenge her granddaughter.

"The next step is to change the rules of the game. You can't use your fists. I don't want to kill people. Ladies please avoid this game, and men are invited to participate!"

Of course, Huo Jinzhi won't spare the gangsters so easily. If he can't do it, he will use other methods. He has a way to humiliate these **** and make them regret coming to this world as human beings.

The people who thought they had no chance to make money suddenly had bright eyes, especially a few men, who shouted even more happily, and even chanted, urging Huo Jinzhi to announce the rules quickly, they wanted to make money.

"It's very simple, give these people a bath with your sacred urine, a hundred dollars for a bath, no problem, right?" Huo Jinzhi's voice was immediately drowned in cheers.

"no problem!"

"I'll come first!"

Everyone participated enthusiastically and lined up. A few gangsters who were still awake wanted to die. They didn’t want to drink urine, and they didn’t want to take a pee bath. They only regretted now, why did they come to this restaurant Why do you want to touch the **** of the yellow-skinned woman with the big ass?

But there is no regret medicine in the world. They have already touched it, and they have provoked the most cautious Huo Jinzhi, and can only bear the humiliation now.

Huo Jinzhi asked people to drag a few corpse-like gangsters outside. They can't dirty other people's restaurants. When they go outside, they can pee as they want.

Tang Xiaonan and the others didn't go out with them~www.readwn.com~ It's too indecent, they don't want to grow corns.

"Senior Huo's method is really bad. It's too happy. This kind of scum has to be treated like this." Xin Gan was excited. , money is really a good thing.

Tang Xiaonan's mouth twitched, Huo Jinzhi was so hurt when he was a child, she was not surprised at all.

But she wondered, "Why haven't the police come? It's been so long since the police came."

It's been more than half an hour. The efficiency of the police here is really low. When they come, the criminals will all run away, and they will catch a fart.

Lin Xuejian sneered: "It should be because we heard that we are Chinese, and we had a conflict with white people, so let's take it slow on purpose."

Before she came out, she heard that the discrimination against Chinese people here is quite serious, and now she finally realized it.

In the final analysis, it is because China is not strong yet, and weak countries have no diplomacy. When China is strong, it can be tough in diplomacy. When compatriots go abroad, they can also stand upright and hold their heads high.

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