Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1841: The police are late

The few thugs outside lay in the flower beds in rows, looking up at the sky inexorably, receiving the baptism of the fragrant grain essence.

One by one, some people were already holding back, ready to go to the toilet, but now they can earn 100 yuan and naturally they will not go to the toilet.

There are still people who don't have stock, but Mo Fang, they have a way. They spend a dollar to buy a large glass of Coke and pour it down, and they will feel it soon.

Huo Jinzhi sent the money one by one, and everyone held their trousers belts with mischievous faces and came over to receive the money. Everyone was smiling and could earn money by peeing. It was a hundred yuan without any effort. It is true that the Chinese are super rich.

The few thugs lying down were already horrible to see. Their faces and hair were covered with grain essence, and they drank a lot. Their nerves were already numb, and they couldn't resist. So many people drowning them in a single pee. .

Half of the 10,000 yuan was sent, Huo Jinzhi checked the time, put away the money, and shouted to the person who was still pouring Coke: "The game is over!"

If you don't leave, the police will come. Although you are not afraid, it is troublesome.

Sure enough, as soon as Huo Jinzhi's voice fell, he heard the sound of the siren, and the crowd dispersed.

Huo Jinzhi returned to the hotel and gave the rest of the money to the owner of the restaurant. He smashed a lot of tables and chairs just now, and also affected the business. The money compensated the boss.

"No, no, Huo Sheng is angry for us today. I've been here for decades, and it's the first time I'm proud of myself. I can't take this money!"

The boss insisted on no money, and his face was full of joy, and he seemed to be really happy.

Huo Jinzhi didn't insist, so he took the money, and he will come to patronize the business more in the future.

Another guest came in for dinner, and soon the business was booming again and returned to its previous appearance. When the police arrived, what they saw was a thriving scene. The boss and the waiter were greeting the guests. The food in the lobby was fragrant. No one got into a fight.

"Who was fighting?"

The two policemen were both Caucasian, arrogant, and arrogant, like those thugs, and wanted to beat them up.

"Sir, I don't know anything." The boss looked innocent and said he didn't know anything.

The police asked a few more guests, but they all said they didn’t know. After all, they were also participants and made a lot of money~www.readwn.com~ In the end, the irritating anger in the flowerbed attracted the attention of the police. I just rescued a few gangsters who were about to die, and called an ambulance for them. These guys are so stinking, the police don’t want to think about it, so let’s hand it over to the doctor.

"Yes...it's them..."

The gangster boss held on to the last bit of consciousness, pointed to Huo Jinzhi's table, complained angrily, and passed out after speaking.

The police looked at Huo Jinzhi suspiciously, noticed that his table was all Chinese, and his expression became serious. The call to the police just now was about a conflict between a few Chinese and white people, maybe these guys .

Huo Jinzhi ate the meal calmly, not panic at all, the police swaggered over, showed the police ID, and asked, "You guys were involved in the fight just now!"

He used an affirmative tone, a very rude tone, and decided that Huo Jinzhi had broken the law without checking anything.

Huo Jinzhi smiled slightly, but didn't get up, and said lightly: "Sir, please show the evidence, otherwise I will ask Cartel lawyer to come over and have a good chat with the two gentlemen."

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