Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1850: Have loose bowels

In the evening, after the exercise, Tang Xiaonan asked Jesse, very straightforward, "Does she like you?"

There must be no purpose to come here for no reason and be a tour guide.

Huo Jinzhi couldn't help laughing, "She doesn't like me, but her father likes me and wants to recruit me as a son-in-law."

Tang Xiaonan turned his head in anger, turned his back, Huo Jinzhi came over, grabbed her shoulders to prevent her from moving, and patiently explained Shi Ye's purpose.

"Then can't you refuse?" Tang Xiaonan was worried again.

"Don't worry, I won't marry that kind of woman, I'll only marry you." Huo Jinzhi tapped her nose with a relaxed tone.

But Tang Xiaonan was still worried, "Didn't you say Shiye belongs to the Qing Gang? He is a local snake, and you are an outsider. It is difficult for a strong dragon to suppress the local snake. Why don't you go back to China, we won't make any money here."

No matter how long Shi Ye's hands are, he can't reach into the country, and he can't earn enough money. That's the most important thing.

"It's really okay. Shiye doesn't dare to act rashly now. He still has a lot of business in my hands. If he does it, he won't get a cent of the money. He's not that stupid." Huo Jinzhi sneered.

He had seen the true face of Shi Ye long ago, so he was prepared to coax Shi Ye to invest most of the money in his company. If Shi Ye turned his face, he could make this old fox go bankrupt.

The big deal is that both sides are hurt, and no one can make a good profit.

Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was not at ease. This ghost place is very messy. She really didn't want Huo Jinzhi to stay here, but this guy, like her second brother, was very stubborn and could not be persuaded.

Huo Jinzhi comforted: "I'll be fine. I'll go back in three years at most."

He must earn the money in the past three years. It is a good time for finance. Tang Aiguo will go back to China to lay the foundation first. He will stay here to make money and cooperate with the inside and outside. , The money earned in the past few years can't be spent in dozens of lifetimes.

Grandpa Qi said before that it only takes three years to make real money. If you can't achieve financial freedom within three years, I'm afraid it will take thirty years, which may not be enough.

In fact, he has achieved financial freedom now. With the houses and shops he bought, the shares in the company, and the money in the Swiss bank, even if he does nothing now, it is enough for him and Xiaonan to live a very rich life. .

But he is still not reconciled. The financial situation in the past few years has been very good. If he doesn't make some money, he feels regretful, and he also wants to take a piece of the pie from here.

Seeing that he was confident, Tang Xiaonan stopped persuading him. Huo Jinzhi had the right idea since he was a child, and she couldn't persuade her to persuade him~www.readwn.com~ Let's support him.

After the night passed, Tang Xiaonan woke up early, and she was going out to play today. Lin Xuejian also got up, but Xin Gan didn't move, and it didn't move until eight o'clock. Lin Xuejian went to her room and called someone.

After a while, Lin Xuejian came down with a serious expression, "Is there any anti-diarrheal medicine? Xin Gan had a stomachache all night."

Tang Xiaonan stared at her in amazement, didn't she say King Kong stomach?

She asked the housekeeper Ned for anti-diarrheal medicine, and went upstairs to see Xin Gan with Lin Xuejian. The girl who was alive and alive last night is now paralyzed on the bed like a corpse, her face is blue, and her chin looks sharp. .

"Oh...it's here again..."

Xin Gan screamed suddenly, and stumbled towards the bathroom while holding her stomach. After a long time, she came out weakly, her face looked even greener, and she walked crookedly.

"Let's go to the hospital, you will be dehydrated if you pull like this." Tang Xiaonan was worried about the accident.

Xin Gan waved his hands vigorously, "No, I'll just lie down, I'll be fine if my stomach is empty, don't worry."

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