Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1851: The arrival of Gu Yunchuan and his wife

Xin Gan's voice just fell, and she bounced up again. She slowly walked towards the bathroom with a bitter face. She couldn't straighten her waist, and her stomach was gurgling. All that comes out is water.

The chrysanthemum hurt even more. When she wiped her **** just now, there was blood all over the toilet paper. The diarrhea caused the chrysanthemum to burst with blood. She was probably the number one person in the world.

"I can't get up, just sit like this, oh..."

Xin Gan simply sat on the toilet and didn't go back to the bed, so as to save her having to come over for a while, she really had no strength.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, it would definitely not work to pull it down like this, diarrhea would kill people.

She ran downstairs to find Huo Jinzhi, told Xin Gan's situation, and then said, "I can't go out to play today, please tell that Jesse."

I was going to hang out with Jesse today, but it was agreed yesterday that Xin Gan definitely can't go out like this, so he can only make an appointment another day.

"I'll call her later and ask to send Xin Gan to the hospital." Huo Jinzhi said.

"She refuses to go, is there any anti-diarrheal medicine at home?"

"The antidiarrheal medicine prescribed by Gu Yunchuan is not bad. Give it to her first. If it doesn't work, I will ask Gu Yunchuan to come and have a look."

Huo Jinzhi pulled out the pills prepared by Gu Yunchuan from the drawer, which were specially designed to regulate the stomach. When he first came here, he was not accustomed to the soil and water, and he was not used to his diet, and his stomach was not very good.

I gave Xin Gan two pills, and the effect was not bad. I had less frequent diarrhea, but my stomach still hurt. Xin Gan was lying on the bed and groaning. His face was as blue as a ghost, and his lips were scary white. It's been years, and it's the first time I've seen her look so weak.

"Xiao Nan, Xuejian, let's go out and play, leave me alone, I'll be fine tomorrow... ah yo..."

Xin Gan was embarrassed because she affected the play plans of her friends.

Tang Xiaonan put the mirror in front of her angrily, "Look at your ghostly appearance, the day after tomorrow depends on your luck, don't overeating in the future."

"Don't eat it, I'm a dog if you eat it again."

Xin Gan feebly swears and swears that even if she loses ten pounds of flesh from diarrhea, she will not use this method.

Huo Jinzhi called Gu Yunchuan~www.readwn.com~ and Lou Zhijun. They live in the countryside. Gu Yunchuan likes to be quiet, and Lou Zhijun too. After buying a house in the countryside, it takes more than an hour to drive into the city.

Gu Yunchuan has matured a lot, she looks more like a mature man, and Lou Zhijun is more feminine. The birthmark on her face has faded a lot, only a layer of light red, which can be covered with foundation. But Lou Zhijun didn't wear makeup, she didn't like makeup, and Gu Yunchuan didn't like her makeup either.

Moreover, Lou Zhijun doesn't care so much about the birthmark on his face now, and even dares to tie up his hair generously to reveal the birthmark, and he can accept other people's strange eyes.

Love can heal everything. Lou Zhijun, who was nourished and nourished by love, lost her inferiority complex and sensitivity in the past, became generous and confident, and became more bright and beautiful. Standing with Gu Yunchuan, at first glance, she was a loving young couple, like a golden boy and a girl.

"Xiao Nan is getting more and more beautiful."

Gu Yunchuan and his wife hugged Tang Xiaonan one by one. They haven't seen each other for many years. They don't feel alienated much, and they are as familiar as before.

"Sister Lou is getting more and more beautiful." Tang Xiaonan said with a smile.

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