Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1852: When things go wrong, there are demons

After a few words of courtesy, they went upstairs to diagnose and treat Xin Gan. Gu Yunchuan originally came here to study finance, but after less than a year of study, he re-applied for the medical major. If interested, Lou Zhijun also supports him very much.

Although he started later than others, Gu Yunchuan has a very high talent. It only took three years to complete all the credits, and he applied for the postgraduate examination.

In the future, whether Gu Yunchuan returns to China or stays here, his future will not be limited. Moreover, Gu Yunchuan is from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. .

Although he is still only a graduate student, Gu Yunchuan has published many papers with extremely high gold content in important medical journals, and he has also developed a hemorrhoid cream, which is improved according to the formula of Gu's family. It is still in the experimental stage. It seems that the effect is very good. As long as it is signed by the Food and Drug Administration, this hemorrhoid cream will definitely bring huge profits to Gu Yunchuan, and will also establish a solid position for him in the international medical community.

Seeing the personable Gu Yunchuan, Xin Gan's eyes straightened and he forgot his stomach pain. Seeing that he couldn't stand it any longer, Lin Xue stabbed her hard, Xin Gan smiled shyly and restrained a little.

I can't blame her, who made this doctor so handsome, even more handsome than Senior Huo, with his demeanor and temperament, just like a movie star, but it's a pity that the famous grass has its own master, alas.

Gu Yunchuan took her pulse and said with a slight smile: "I have eaten too much, and I am a little unaccustomed to the soil and water. These few days, eat lightly, and don't eat heavy oil, heavy spicy food, and cold food."

Xin Gan blushed and nodded honestly. She didn't dare to eat indiscriminately anymore. The sin she suffered last night was enough for her to remember for a lifetime.

Gu Yunchuan gave her a few injections, but he didn't prescribe any medicine, "The antidiarrheal medicine I gave is enough, let's cook some white porridge and eat it, don't eat anything else."

"Success, definitely don't let her eat indiscriminately." Tang Xiaonan assured.

She would tell the housekeeper Ned that only white porridge would be cooked for Xingan, and no other food would be allowed.

Xin Gan, who had the needles, drank a large bowl of warm and sweet white porridge, and then fell asleep peacefully. She didn't sleep all night. She probably slept for a whole day. Gu Yunchuan and his wife stayed for dinner and reminisced.

Huo Jinzhi called Jesse, "I'm sorry, someone at home is sick and I can't go out these days."

"It doesn't matter, you can go out to play when you're sick. I'm fine anyway. Is your fiancee sick? Does it matter?" Jesse asked with concern.

"No, it's her friend who has a bad stomach. It's a little serious, but the doctor has already seen it."

Huo Jinzhi chatted briefly, then hung up the phone, frowning slightly, feeling a strange feeling in his heart, Jesse's tone on the phone just now didn't look like her at all. According to what he heard, Jesse She is arrogant and domineering, has a loose life, and is very cruel. She likes to play with firearms. Despite her weak appearance, she is actually a master of judo, with a high level of shooting and fencing.

But Jesse on the phone just now was gentle, considerate and considerate. If he hadn't investigated beforehand, he would have been deceived by this woman.

There must be something strange about the abnormality, Huo Jinzhi became more and more vigilant, and made up his mind to accompany Xiao Nan for the past few days, so as not to be exploited.

He also has to hurry up and find a new partner. As long as he replaces Shi Ye, Jesse is a tigress without claws and can't make waves.

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