Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1854: Good luck and bad luck

"Then what should I do? It's very dangerous for Xiao Nan to stay. That woman Jesse is not a good person. She is cruel and bloodthirsty. She has a lot of lives in her hands. Since she is eyeing you, she will definitely not let Xiao Nan go." Gu Yunchuan was anxious. road.

"I know that the more it is like this, the less you can't panic. I already have a solution, but I need your help." Huo Jinzhi's expression was calm, and it was useless to be anxious.

In fact, this incident is a combination of misfortune and good fortune. The arrival of Xiao Nan has stimulated Shi Ye and forced him to reveal his ambitions in advance, otherwise he may still be kept in the dark by now, and the longer he will be, the more passive he will be.

Although it is a little more dangerous now, he has the initiative. As long as he acts carefully, Shi Ye's confidant can be removed in time, and he can also cultivate his own power. In general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"Tell me what you need me to do." Gu Yunchuan readily agreed.

Huo Jinzhi talked about his plan, and Gu Yunchuan's expression became more and more surprised, "How can you be sure that Shiping will take this risk? And how can you be sure that Shiping must be credible?"

Shi Ping is an illegitimate child of Shi Ye, and he is the most unpleasant one. He didn't take him home, and he didn't even admit his identity to the outside world, because Shi Ping's mother was a lowly street girl, and Shi Ye was drunk because of drunkenness. , I just had a good time with this woman, but I didn't expect to have peace.

But Shi Ye disliked Shi Ping's mother for being too lowly, and only arranged for their mother and son to live outside. The name was very insincere. The usual Ping also meant that Shi Ping would never be favored by Shi Ping in this life.

However, Shi Ping showed his amazing talent in martial arts since he was a child. Only then did Shi Ye notice this illegitimate son and arranged a martial arts master for him. When Shi Ping was older, he got into the gang and became Shi Ye's most effective thug. , saved Shi Ye several times.

But this is the case, Shiye still doesn't want to admit this son, and does not let Shiping call him father outside, just like everyone else, just call him Shiye.

But everyone in the gang knew Shi Ping's identity and respected him. Even Shi Ping's status in the gang had vaguely surpassed Shi Ye, but Shi Ye was still in the dark, thinking that his status was still there. indestructible.

Huo Jinzhi smiled and said firmly: "Me and Shiping both get what they need. He wants to be the boss, and I want a partner with a smaller appetite. He will not refuse, but only agree, except for me. , no one dares to cooperate with him."

People in the whole city have to sell Shi Ye's face, and no one dares to cooperate with Shi Ping. After all, Shi Ye is in good health, he is not very old, and he has so many sons. When the successor is also unknown.

No one will offend the current boss for the slim future, but Huo Jin dares.

If Shi Ping wants to engage in infighting, he must have sufficient funds. Shi Ping doesn't have that much money. Huo Jinzhi has it. With his money and Shi Ping's connections and prestige in the gang, infighting is possible. success.

Gu Yunchuan was still worried, "Aren't you afraid of raising another wolf?"

Huo Jinzhi smiled confidently, "This kind of thing can't happen. I made an agreement with Chen Ye that he would come over to get a share of the pie, and Shi Ping agreed."

Of course, it is impossible for the Shiping family to dominate, so he has to find someone to restrain him, and Chen Ye is the most suitable.

Chen Ye has already met his biological father, and his biological father is still somewhat related to Shi Ye, because fifty years ago, they were still brothers, but after the war, they parted ways, one went abroad, the other Went to Xiangjiang and founded their own gangs.

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