Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1855: life is rough

Chen Ye's life experience is quite legendary. He was adopted by Chen Qian in the slum. Chen Ye, who was only seven or eight years old at the time, was living in the slum alone and grabbed food from the garbage with a group of stray dogs.

He dared to fight with a child older than himself, even if the fight was bloody, Chen Ye would not admit defeat, and he was ruthless.

Chen Qian just took a fancy to the ruthlessness of this child, and made an exception to accept him as his adopted son. At that time, he didn't know that he had a daughter, and thought that he would never have another child in his life.

Therefore, Chen Qian still did his best to Chen Ye. It was not until the father and son's relationship stabilized that Chen Ye revealed his life experience, which shocked Chen Qian. He didn't expect that the child he casually adopted would have a great background.

Chen Ye's biological father is also surnamed Chen, and his name is Chen Hao. He is the leader of the gang. Chen Ye's mother is a college student, and his family is forced to go to the dance hall to become a dancer. , I was moved at that time, so the hero rescued Mei and Chen Ye's mother.

The development after that was very normal. Just like in the playbook, Chen's mother was very grateful to Chen Hao, plus she was helpless, so she promised each other and was raised by Chen Hao outside.

Chen Hao's wife is the eldest sister, and most of her lovers are the little sisters of the Tao. She has never dated college students. Chen Hao's pure and moving mother makes Chen Hao feel different. It is completely different from the showy women outside. , naturally doted on Chen's mother in every possible way, obeyed every word, and even thought of divorce and marrying Chen's mother.

It was this thought that hurt Chen's mother and Chen Ye.

Chen Hao's eldest wife thinks very much. No matter how many lovers and illegitimate children her husband has outside, as long as they don't bring them home, as long as Mrs. Chen is her, and as long as Chen Hao's property is inherited by her sons, it is completely OK.

Chen Hao loves to play whatever she wants. She can also find young and beautiful girls for Chen Hao and send them to Chen Hao's bed in person.

But Chen Hao moved his true feelings and wanted to divorce her original partner, which was absolutely impossible.

The eldest wife has also been involved, and her heart is ruthless. She is calm on the surface, and secretly sends someone to kill Chen Ye's mother and son. At that time, Chen Ye was only four years old, and Chen Hao happened to be out of town. Their mother and son.

At the time of the crisis, Chen's mother hid her son in the closet. Chen Ye watched helplessly as Chen's mother was devastated to death by someone sent by his eldest wife. He didn't even blink, remembering the faces of all his enemies.

Since then, he has been wandering in the slums, and he has not met his father. He knows that his father cannot protect him, and he will die if he goes back. Only when he is strong can he protect himself and avenge his mother.

Now Chen Ye is strong and has his own power, and Chen Hao is also old, and the sons of the eldest wife are not good enough. Chen Hao doesn't want to hand over the family business he created to these prodigal sons. He sent people around Looking for Chen Ye, Chen Ye was smart and clever when he was a child, and was deeply loved by Chen Hao. Now that he is older, he misses Chen Ye even more.

Therefore, Chen Ye took the initiative to contact Chen Hao. The relationship between father and son was not bad. Although the eldest wife hated Chen Ye very much, she was too old to move Chen Ye at all, and she was worried that Chen Ye would attack her and her son.

Gu Yunchuan was relieved when he heard that it was his brother-in-law, and said with a smile, "Chen Ye's ability is definitely fine, when will he come?"


Huo Jinzhi also laughed, of course Chen Ye's ability was fine, otherwise he wouldn't have cooperated with this guy.

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