Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1858: Wooden Cow Flowing Horse and Qinggong

"To belittle oneself means to look down upon oneself too much, and to describe a person's inferiority complex. This idiom comes from Zhuge Liang's "Apprenticeship" of the Three Kingdoms Shu: It is not advisable to belittle oneself, cite injustice, and use the road of loyalty and admonition."

Tang Xiaonan explained it very seriously, and Jessie listened very carefully. She is a studious person, and she has a strong interest in new things.

"Jessie, you are so beautiful and so smart. I don't know how many people like you. How can you doubt yourself? That's what it means to belittle yourself, do you understand?"

"I see, Xiao Nan, you are so knowledgeable, thank you, I learned another idiom."

Jesse nodded, and secretly made a note of self-defeating, which can be used in the future. My father likes cultural people the most. The reason why she can stand out among the sisters is not because she is the most beautiful.

All of her sisters are beautiful, but none of them are better at reading than her. She can get full marks in every exam, and she thinks Chinese and Cantonese are the best, which makes her father think differently.

Tang Xiaonan saw her thirst for knowledge and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It's good to have something that interests her, otherwise she still doesn't know how to divert this woman's attention.

It's definitely not good to make friends. She and Jesse are opposites. It's impossible to make friends, and it's not good to refuse directly. You can only change the topic.

"Has Jessie heard of Zhuge Liang?" Tang Xiaonan asked intentionally.

"I know a saying that three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. It describes that if everyone thinks of a way together, they will definitely be able to think of a good way. It is better than thinking alone. Is this Zhuge Liang a very smart person?"

"Yes, Zhuge Liang is a real person in the history of China. He is very smart. Like the wooden cow and the horse, it was invented by Zhuge Liang. Do you know the wooden cow and the horse?"

"I don't know, what kind of bull is this?" Jesse was dumbfounded.

Xin Gan was also confused. She didn't understand why Tang Xiaonan wanted to talk nonsense with Jesse. She wanted to interrupt to say a few words, but was stabbed hard by Lin Xuejian.

"This nut tastes good, eat it."

Lin Xuejian grabbed the nuts and stuffed them into Xin Gan. He even warned with his eyes. Although Xin Gan had thick lines, he was still very good at observing words and expressions.

Tang Xiaonan patiently explained the wooden cows and horses, "This is the invention of Zhuge Liang. The cows and horses made of wood can carry heavy objects like ordinary cows and horses, and can walk for dozens of miles without using gasoline or electricity."

"Impossible, this doesn't conform to the principle of conservation of energy, it's absolutely impossible." Jesse didn't believe it.

Cars can run and planes can fly because the combustion of gasoline generates kinetic energy. People can walk because of the energy converted from the food they eat. These are all in line with the principle of conservation of energy~www.readwn.com~ That cow and horse made of wood, how can it be out of thin air? maybe move?

Tang Xiaonan smiled and asked, "Do you know Huaguo's Qinggong, right?"

"Yes, my father said that he has also seen someone perform Qinggong with his own eyes, which is very miraculous." Jesse nodded.

"Isn't the light work and gravity contradictory?"

Jesse was immediately stunned, yes, Qinggong completely violates gravity, so what's going on?

Speaking of which, it is also possible for a wooden cow to flow a horse?

An hour passed, and Jessie left in a daze, still thinking about energy conservation and gravity, she had never seen a wooden cow and a horse, but Qinggong was something her father had seen with his own eyes, a real thing, so to speak , Can gravity be overturned?

Jesse, who was stunned, completely forgot the purpose of coming here today. It was to invite Tang Xiaonan to go out to play. It was not until she returned home that she suddenly realized that she had been washed by Tang Xiaonan.

damn it!

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