Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1859: Not peaceful tonight

Huo Jinzhi came back and listened to Ned's housekeeper saying that Jessie was visiting, so he went to ask Tang Xiaonan.

"I had a good conversation with her. Jesse is very good at learning. We talked about Zhuge Liang, the wooden cow and the horse, and the flying of the grass. Jesse was very interested." Tang Xiaonan replied with a smile.

She knew that this woman must have no good intentions when she came to the door, but if Jesse made a request, she would not refuse it. After all, Huo Jinzhi still had to rely on his father to make money.

So she thought of such a way to make Jesse unable to speak, but this method can only be used once. If Jesse comes over again next time, he will definitely not be able to fool him.

"It's okay, I won't come next time."

Huo Jinzhi gave her a reassurance, and couldn't help but squeeze Tang Xiaonan's face lightly.

Tang Xiaonan's eyes lit up, and she asked curiously, "Are you going to do it?"

She knew that Huo Jinzhi was going out with Chen Ye today, so he must have done it.

"Come on, don't worry about this, stay at home these few days, don't go out, when will Xin Gan and Lin Xue see them go?" Huo Jinzhi asked.

"I'm going to Europe tomorrow."

"I'll send someone to take them to the airport, don't take them off."

Huo Jinzhi was relieved, it would be better for Lin Xue to see the two of them gone, so that he only had to protect Xiao Nan.

Tang Xiaonan was obedient and did not refute. She didn't want to go out anyway, so she might as well watch a movie at home.

The next day, Xin Gan and Lin Xuejian rushed to the airport to hug and say goodbye to Tang Xiaonan. Huo Jinzhi personally took them to the airport. The next day, the two called to report that they were safe. They had already arrived in Paris. The heart just fell to the ground.

Jesse sent someone to send an invitation. It was her birthday party. It was an 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony. It was held very grandly, and many distinguished people were invited to participate. Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan both received invitations, and Gu Yunchuan and his wife also will go.

Tang Xiaonan put on a dress, which is Chanel's new style this year. It's simple and elegant, and it's not bad to wear. She chose a long dress, not high heels, but sneakers. It's not peaceful tonight, so it's more convenient to wear sneakers.

Huo Jinzhi put on a suit and went to Shi's house with Tang Xiaonan. The luxury manor of Shi's house was full of luxury cars, all of them were guests who came to the party, either rich or expensive.

When the two of them got out of the car~www.readwn.com~, someone greeted them courteously, parked the car for them, and someone led them to the lobby.

In the hall, there are many guests, men in suits and leather shoes, women in red and willow green, jewels, diamonds, emeralds, gems, pearls, etc., it is a feast of jewelry, all eyes can see it took.

Tang Xiaonan did not wear particularly expensive jewelry, just a string of pearl necklaces. The beads were not particularly large. The style was simple and elegant, and it matched the style of the dress on her body. Her hair was combed in a bun and surrounded by a string of pearl chains, which was very oriental. Features, as soon as they entered the venue, they attracted a lot of attention.

Most of the guests were white, but not many Chinese. Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi were both talented and beautiful, just like the golden boy and girl. Many people were whispering to inquire about these two young Orientals. What's the background? It doesn't look like an ordinary person.

"I'm here. This is your childhood sweetheart's fiancee? She's really beautiful. No wonder I'm looking down on other women."

Shi Ye greeted him in person, looking at Tang Xiaonan with deep eyes, and speaking in a polite tone, but the look in his eyes made Tang Xiaonan want to slap this old thing a few big ears. Seeing her is like picking out goods in a shopping mall, only a little worse. Clearly she is a fake.

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