Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1899: If you really have cancer, God will open your eyes

Uncle Cheng Xiaowei is a well-known second-rate in the village. He is lazy and lazy. Even if he doesn't work, he lives better than everyone in the village. He is the first in the village to build a red brick house.

Just because Uncle Cheng had a good sister, even if she got married and had children, the sister's heart was still on her brother, and she devoted herself to subsidizing her brother. Her husband had just died, and the compensation went to Uncle Cheng. In the same year, the Cheng family The red brick house was built.

Who in the village doesn't envy Uncle Cheng, who can eat delicious food and drink spicy food without doing any work. They can't get in on such a beautiful thing. Naturally, they are envious and jealous, but they also sympathize with Uncle Cheng's unfortunate nephew.

When I met such an uncle and mother, that nephew has been **** and moldy for eight lifetimes. I heard that he was still a college student. .

Many villagers knew Cheng Xiaowei. Seeing that he finally came to make trouble, the villagers didn't think he was too much, but wanted him to make more trouble. They also disliked Uncle Cheng for a long time.

"Xiaowei, don't curse your uncle. He was still saying yesterday that he drank half a catty of soju and ate a catty of pork head meat." A middle-aged man deliberately said loudly, and the others immediately echoed it, expressing this. Really.

Uncle Cheng is not only delicious and lazy, but also likes to show off. The busier the farm work, the more this guy likes to show off. He always carries his hands behind his back and takes a leisurely walk in the farmland. Like a supervisor, he supervises the villagers to work in full swing. Say something sour.

For example, what is good for him to eat today, it is not pork head meat, it is beef with sauce, or it is peanuts and rice wine, and the life is so moisturizing, the villagers who are sore and sore back can't eat such good food. , I was naturally very annoyed.

"I'm talking nonsense, who has eaten a pound of pig head meat, and didn't eat it!" Uncle Cheng retorted loudly, not admitting it, and finally panicked.

He really didn't expect that this college student's nephew would do such an amazing job that he didn't even want to be ashamed, and even came to play a rogue. This attitude was even more rogue than his real rogue.

Cheng Xiaowei sneered and said loudly, "Uncle, I don't care if you eat spicy food, and I don't care about my dad's 30,000 yuan compensation. 10,000 yuan, you can't afford it even if you rely on it.

I have witnesses. I saw you and my mother with my own eyes. They went to my girlfriend and said that you had cancer. My girlfriend has a good heart, but I don’t have enough money. I even borrowed 15,000 yuan from my relatives. I have collected 20,000 yuan for your treatment, but my future mother-in-law is not a soft persimmon. She has come to ask for debts and said that she is not married yet. Why does my uncle have cancer? ! "

The villagers couldn't help but nod their heads. It really doesn't make sense, and the mother-in-law is right.


"Chengsan, do you really have cancer? Seeing your red face, is it because you have lazy cancer?"

"If you really have cancer, it will be God's eyes!"

"Good people don't live long, and scourges stink for thousands of years. How could someone like Cheng Laosan get cancer and live better than us."

The villagers were talking like no one else was talking. The voice was so loud that Uncle Cheng heard them all. His face became more and more ugly. He was going to live a long life. Cheng Xiaowei, a bastard, came to the door and cursed him. He deserved it. Opened by the company, dumped by the object.

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