Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1900: You are not my mother, you are my enemy

"What nonsense, I live well, I don't have cancer, and I didn't take your partner's money. What about 20,000 yuan, I don't know anything, hurry up, and I'll let the dog go!"

Uncle Cheng denied it, and took a broom to smash people, but Cheng Xiaowei of course refused to do it, he pressed his body against the door, and looked at his good uncle coldly, "You know exactly whether you took the 20,000 yuan or not, your new house. How did you come here, you know very well, uncle, you have forced me to lose my life, and I am going to go to jail, and I can't care about my relatives!"

The villagers sympathized with Cheng Xiaowei and believed what he said.

"Xia Laosan, if you didn't take your nephew's money, where would the money come from these days for delicious and spicy food, pork head meat, beef in sauce, and duck slaughter the day before yesterday, life is more comfortable than that of the emperor. It's impossible to drop money!" a villager shouted.

"That's right, I don't work all day, but my family eats like a landlord. It's clear that it's a scam. Xiaowei is really unlucky to have such a mother and uncle on the stall!"

"This child is suffering!"

The villagers spoke for Cheng Xiaowei unscrupulously. Uncle Cheng's face was ugly, and Mother Cheng, who was beside him, couldn't look any better, and he felt resentment towards his son.

As soon as he came back, he made trouble, and even went to her parents' house to make trouble, deliberately opposing her, and he was indeed an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

"You go back first, don't make trouble here!"

Mother Cheng went to drag her son and wanted him to go home, with a warning in her eyes.

But Cheng Xiaowei was not as obedient as before, looked at her sarcastically, and suddenly asked, "Mom, in your heart, is my son more important, or is my uncle more important?"

Mother Cheng was stunned. She didn't dare to look at her son. She turned her head and said angrily, "Why are you asking these questions? What's the comparison?"

The younger brother is her mother's family, her backing mountain, and the son is her support for the old age. The nature is different, and there is no comparison at all. This Nizi deliberately made her unable to step down in front of so many people.

Cheng Xiaowei laughed at himself, "Naturally compare, otherwise I would not understand why you want to give your father's compensation to your uncle to build a new house, but our own house lives in a dilapidated house, and I have never had enough to eat since I was a child. I didn’t wear new clothes, and I couldn’t pay the tuition fees. You never worried about me. If your uncle and cousin have something to do, you are more worried than anyone else, and you will rush back after more than 20 miles.”

The villagers all sighed, poor child, what a sin!

Cheng Xiaowei added: "I sometimes think ~www.readwn.com~ Maybe my cousin is the son of you and your uncle, so you are so nervous that you give all your money to your uncle and cousin, and I am You brought it back from outside, so you don't care about my life or death."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you've lost your mind!"

Mother Cheng was so angry that her face turned blue, she reached out to slap her face, but was stopped by Cheng Xiaowei.

He is much taller and stronger than Mother Cheng now. He can easily subdue Mother Cheng. From now on, he will not let this woman bully him again.

"I didn't feel dizzy, I think it's because of you that you are dizzy. You are in the Cheng family, but your heart is still in the Xia family. You can give the compensation for my father's life to my uncle without hesitation. You don't care if you don't have money in school, now I have some success on my own, and I have found a girlfriend who doesn't dislike me. Seeing that I'm going to have a good life, you and my uncle ran off to harm again, Mom, you're not my mom, you are My enemy, the enemy who can't see me living a good life!"

With the last sentence, Cheng Xiaowei roared at the top of his voice, the blue veins on his forehead bulged, and his eyes were ferocious. Cheng's mother was so frightened that she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

For the first time, I realized that my son has really grown up, and is no longer the child she can control at will.

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