The next day the game started. The Tang family had mixed feelings. They both hoped that Tang Aijun could score, but they were worried that his feet would be too much to bear. The mood was extremely tangled and unspeakable.

Tang Aijun didn't think so much. He just wanted to score, win the game, and win honor for the country.

Therefore, as soon as he played, he tried his best, and was so brave that he didn't look like he was dragging his injured leg. No one could see that a person who ran vigorously on the field was actually a scarred leg that could be broken at any time.

Tang Xiaonan has tears in her eyes. She respects the third brother's choice. If the third brother is really disabled, she will take care of the third brother for the rest of her life. If she walks in front of the third brother, she will let her son take care of the third uncle.

The audience on the field were very excited. As long as they won this game, the quarter-finals would be complete. They all shouted loudly, but this time Xu Jinfeng and Zhang Manyue couldn't shout out. They watched nervously and prayed secretly. Tang Aijun was able to finish the game smoothly.

But the more afraid of something, the more it came. An athlete from the other side maliciously bumped into Tang Aijun and fell heavily to the ground. Tang Aijun couldn't get up for a long time.

"Third brother!"

Tang Xiaonan stood up in excitement, mad at her, even if she was a layman, she could see that the **** had intentions and just wanted to destroy our main force. Tang Aijun stood up with the help of the team members, limping one by one. Turn off the ground to rest.

The guy who maliciously bumped into someone was also sent off by the referee. Tang Aijun took a break and then came back on the court. It was obvious that his running speed had been affected, and he was sweating profusely. He was enduring the drama on his legs. The pain was running, Tang Xiaonan was so distressed that she couldn't stop crying, she couldn't bear to watch it again, and cried in Huo Jinzhi's arms.

"We should be proud of him, don't worry, I will find the best medicine, and I won't let your third brother's leg lose."

Huo Jinzhi made a promise that he did not expect that Tang Aijun, who only fought and made troubles when he was a child, would become such a responsible man now, and with such faith, Huo Jinzhi felt that if it were him, he might not be able to do it. To the level of Tang Aijun.

He is a selfish person who can only hold a few things in his heart, and nothing else.

And he is not so selfless and great, so he admires Tang Aijun.

Little Huo Dong sat on his father's lap and watched his third uncle play football, but he watched it so well that his mother rushed over to cry, and took up more than half of his leather sofa, so he could only sit humbly on him Dad is half a thigh, if he didn't hold his dad's hand tightly, he could fall down at any"

Little Huo Dong's fat face was flushed red, most of his buttocks fell outside, and his two fat claws held his father's hand tightly. Huo Jinzhi didn't notice his situation at all, and was still concentrating on comforting his daughter-in-law. .

Huo Jinzhi finally heard his son's humble cry, turned his head and glanced at it, and took the son back and continued to comfort his daughter-in-law.

Huo Dong touched the saliva left on his chin, and continued to hold his father's arm tightly to watch the game. Uncle San is so majestic. He will play basketball like Uncle San in the future.

"Ah... Long live China!"

The audience suddenly cheered, and the deafening voice made Tang Xiaonan look up and saw the athletes in red team jerseys throwing her third brother high up and catching them all. From the joy on the faces of these young players , she knew the game was won.

The third brother's wish came true.

I don't know what happened to the third brother's legs?

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