Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1962: legs saved

Tang Aijun was carried off the court. He passed out from the pain and was carried down by his teammates. Doctor Liu also hurriedly stood by to heal Tang Aijun.

Tang Xiaonan and his family rushed over. Tang Aijun hadn't woken up yet, but Dr. Liu took care of the injury.

"Doctor Liu, how is my third brother?"

"What's wrong with my third leg?"

Tang Xiaonan and Xu Jinfeng asked at the same time, looking eager.

Doctor Liu shook his head and nodded again, making the big guy's heart hang up and down, and he didn't know what he meant.

"Doctor, you can say it straight, even if it's really broken, we can stand it." Tang Xiaonan choked.

At least the third brother has no regrets, she will take care of the third brother for a lifetime.

Xu Jinfeng's tears flowed down again, and so did Zhang Manyue, the tears were all over the place, she felt sorry for her grandson, she just wished she could give her old leg to her grandson.

Doctor Liu hurriedly said: "Although the situation is not good, it is not so pessimistic. Fortunately, I took more medicine last time. This old man will try his best to save his leg, but after this time, don't exercise vigorously anymore. Otherwise, even Daluo Jinxian won't be able to save him."

Tang Xiaonan burst into laughter and nodded happily, "Don't worry, Dr. Liu, our whole family is staring at the third brother, and we will definitely not let him play again."

"Rainy days will also have an impact. In the end, it's not as comfortable as before. This old man can only do this." Doctor Liu sighed, feeling sorry for Tang Aijun.

He is a good offspring. In order to win glory for the country, he doesn't even want his legs. If only his medical skills were better, he would be able to heal the legs of this offspring and return to normal.

"Doctor Liu, you are already the top doctor in the world. Only you can cure my third brother's leg. Doctors abroad have already sentenced him to death." Tang Xiaonan said gratefully.

Doctor Liu smiled conceitedly, "The rest is hard to say. Orthopedics and Traumatology still have to see Chinese medicine, and Western medicine is far behind."

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help nodding, "Yes, yes, it's better for our Chinese medicine practitioners in Greater China."

Dr. Liu was very happy to be coaxed. He didn't like Western medicine, and even rejected it. Tang Xiaonan's attitude made him very satisfied, and he treated Tang Aijun more attentively.

Under Dr. Liu's careful treatment, Tang Aijun recovered well from his injuries, but he was unable to walk, so he could only sit in a wheelchair. Dr. Liu said that this time he had to support for a hundred days, and not one day could be missed~www.readwn. com~ Xu Jinfeng and Zhang Manyue are both guarding Tang Aijun, even staring at the toilet, not letting him move his feet, for fear that it will affect the happiness of the rest of his life.

After staying in Goose Country for nearly a month, the Tang family returned to China, and Tang Aijun also returned. After getting off the plane, countless enthusiastic reporters rushed up, and the flashes flooded the Tang family, all of whom came to grab exclusive reports.

In this World Championship, Huaguo achieved a good place in the top eight, and the whole country celebrated. Many TV stations interviewed the men's basketball players, and only Tang Aijun was absent.

However, his reputation is getting louder and louder in the country day by day. His fighting spirit to score goals with every broken leg has also been reported in major domestic newspapers, and he has been in the limelight for a while.

The reporters were very considerate of Tang Aijun. They only asked a few questions and took a few photos. Tang Aijun also publicly announced his retirement in front of the media for the first time.

"This is my last game, and I have no regrets in my basketball career."

Tang Aijun didn't say much, just briefly talked about retirement. The reporters also knew that his legs could no longer bear any strenuous exercise, and retirement was inevitable.

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