Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1963: win the case

After returning to China, Tang Aijun began to heal his injuries. This time, his injury was very serious and he had to rest for 100 days. The Education Bureau also cared about him and sent the best medical team. However, the Tang family insisted that Liu doctor.

The money is also from the Tang family's own pockets, not from the state.

Many media wanted to interview Tang Aijun, but they were all rejected by Tang Xiaonan. The third brother must rest in peace now, and he will not participate in anything that hinders his recovery.

Fang Yuan never came back, not because she didn't care about Tang Aijun, but because the lawsuit in country M was in full swing, and she couldn't leave.

The first trial is about to start, and Tang Aijun, as a victim, naturally has to appear in court.

On the day of the trial, Tang Aijun appeared in the courtroom of country M in a wheelchair, and was interviewed by reporters, but he didn't say anything.

Fang Yuan was well prepared, with sufficient tone, witnesses, and pressure from public opinion. The first trial went very smoothly. The judge ruled in favor of Tang Aijun, ordered the Marcus family to pay 100 million US dollars, and Marcus had to accept three years in prison.

Marcus' eldest brother also appeared in court. Hearing the verdict, his face turned black. Marcus collapsed on the seat like an eggplant beaten by frost, unable to believe his ears.

Is he going to jail?

"Big brother, help me get out on bail, I don't want to go to jail, big brother..."

Marcus shouted loudly, begging his eldest brother to keep him out, he would die in the prison, and there was no human being there.

"There's no money at home, you can do it yourself!"

Big Brother Marcus had a sullen face, broke his brother's hand with force, and strode away.

The family's business was precarious, and he was already devastated. The bank avoided him like a plague. The bosses who were usually friends also went on vacation, and they couldn't find any. The company owed a lot of debt, like a sinkhole. Can't fill up at all.

Brother Marcus knew that this was done by two Chinese people who maliciously engaged in his company in the stock market, but he could do nothing. He knew that the other party had bad intentions, but he still had no way to deal with it. The Chinese are ruined.

Right now, he has only two options, one is to declare bankruptcy, and the other is to accept the acquisition of the two Chinese.

He didn't want to choose either way, but he had to choose one.

The desperate cry of his younger brother Marcus came from behind him~www.readwn.com~ Big brother Marcus froze and didn't look back. It would be good for this younger brother to live in prison for three years, so as not to cause trouble every day. I wiped my **** for my brother.

Huo Jinzhi met Brother Marcus at the door of the court, and took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, I'm waiting for your good news sir."

Big Brother Marcus's face is even darker. It is this **** Chinese who ruined his company and bought it at such a cheap price. This is a humiliation to his family, but he can only accept it.

"Mr. Huo, your price is too low!"

"It's not too low, what's the value of your broken company now? It's not as good as garbage, and only I am willing to pay for it. Others won't even look at it, Mr. Marcus, we have a saying in China. As the saying goes, it’s called being content, so don’t be too greedy!”

Huo Jinzhi smiled slightly, but what he said was more piercing than a knife. Brother Marcus had a frosty face and clenched his fists, really wanting to kill this bastard.

"Mr. Huo, our Marcus family has no grudges against you. Why do you want to engage in my company?" Brother Marcus asked through gritted teeth.

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