Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1976: pregnant again

"Mom, when will my brother and sister come?"

Huo Dong is a little disappointed. It's been so long, why haven't the younger brothers and sisters come?

He prepared a lot of delicious food, such as chocolate, toffee, and ice cream. He was reluctant to eat it himself. He hid it and wanted to give it to his younger brother and sister, but the chocolate was about to melt, and the younger brother and sister hadn't come yet.

Tang Xiaonan felt even more guilty, and felt sorry for her son, her younger brothers and sisters were lying in the trash can, but she couldn't say this to her son, so she coaxed: "It's not so fast, my younger brothers and sisters have to pick the time, maybe in a few days. It's here, it may take several years, Xiaodong, don't worry."

"But Yuanbao said that they have come." Huo Dong's little face was very serious.

Last night he dreamed of Yuanbao and Daju again. In the dream, they told him that they had come.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, looked around subconsciously, and couldn't help but laugh when she reacted. She was also stupid, how can a child's words be taken seriously?

"Did Xiaodong really dream of Yuanbao and Daju?" Tang Xiaonan asked patiently.

"Well, I had a dream last night. They said they had come, and they said they would meet me soon."

Huo Dong nodded vigorously, he was very happy, and he was looking forward to the ingots coming every day.

Tang Xiaonan smiled and touched the little guy's head. In fact, she also hoped that Yuanbao and Daju would really come back. If they could really be her children, she would be very happy.

But this kind of beautiful wish can only be realized in a dream, how could it be true?

Another month passed, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. All the candies Huo Dong prepared for his younger siblings melted. He was a little sad, but soon he was happy again, because at night he dreamed of ingots and big oranges again, and He has been playing for a long time.

Tang Xiaonan was particularly sleepy during this time. She didn't even want to leave the door. She slept until noon every day. She was lazy and didn't have a good appetite. When Xu Jinfeng saw her like this, she persuaded her to go to the hospital for a check.

"Maybe there is, you go for a urine test."


Tang Xiaonan yawned, tears in her eyes, and she was sleepy just after getting up. Summer is a good time to sleep. Tang Xiaonan ate a few bites of food and went upstairs to sleep again.

As soon as she lay on the bed, she fell into a deep sleep, and soon had a dream. For the first time, she dreamed of Yuanbao and Daju. It was the way she looked when she was young. Daju was sitting on Yuanbao's head, chubby, while Yuanbao was smiling. Then, he ran towards her and got into her arms all of a sudden.

And then...she woke up.

Tang Xiaonan's eyes were blank~www.readwn.com~ recalling her dream carefully, her heart skipped a beat, could it be?

At this time, she thought again that the aunt seems to have been delayed for more than half a month, so it won't really happen, right?

The next day, Tang Xiaonan went to the hospital, a doctor she knew well, and the results came out very quickly. The results surprised her and she was five weeks pregnant.

"We all wear condoms, how can we have them?" Tang Xiaonan was still puzzled.

The measures are well done, where did the fish slip through the net?

"The cover is not 100% safe, and are you sure you wear it every time? Maybe it's possible that you forget it when you are passionate." The doctor joked.

Tang Xiaonan didn't feel embarrassed either. They were all people from the past, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about. She also remembered that she did not wear it once.

"That was the safe period. My aunt has only been there for three days and she didn't wear it. It seems that she was pregnant that time. Why is the safe period not safe?" Tang Xiaonan was a little speechless. She thought the safe period was very safe. .

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