Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1977: Really reincarnated?

After coming out of the hospital, Tang Xiaonan was still a little dizzy, her eyes were blank, like a dream, the doctor's words echoed in her ears——

"The safety period is not 100% safe and reliable. Just like a small umbrella, it is not 100% safe. No measure in this world is 100% safe, and there will be fish that slip through the net. Congratulations, Mrs. Huo. ."

So, she was really pregnant, even when the aunt had taken the initiative to tell Huo Jinzhi not to use the cover for the past three days.

Is this called jumping into the pit by yourself?

Tang Xiaonan sighed and touched her flat belly. A little life had already been conceived in it. Could it really be the reincarnation of Yuanbao or Daju?

But she quickly denied it. It's impossible. It's too mysterious to talk about reincarnation. She has been suspicious of Xiaodong these days. Anyway, since it already exists, it will naturally be born.

Tang Xiaonan has never advocated abortion. One is that she does not respect life, and the other is that she does not want to abuse her body.

She despised and had no sympathy for girls who easily abused her body and treated abortion as a child's play. Those girls were really ignorant. After suffering, they would regret it too late.

Returning home in a trance, Xu Jinfeng was watching TV, together with Yang Lijuan, the two watched with relish. Recently, Xu Jinfeng became fascinated by the bitterness drama on the Bay Island, which lasted for more than 100 episodes, or even 200 episodes. Grandpa and grandma talked about the generation of grandchildren, they were as stinky and long as foot-binding cloths, and they could even play an episode after a meal.

Actors are also acting from grandparents to grandchildren. Misunderstandings that can be clearly explained in one sentence, on TV, have to be unintelligible for several lifetimes. From the beginning to the end, this misunderstanding is connected in series, and it hurts to see Tang Xiaonan.

But Xu Jinfeng watched it with relish, and so did Yang Lijuan. The two sisters-in-law are like-minded in this regard, have common interests and hobbies, and can see one piece of TV.

"Ouch... I'm so anxious, why don't you say it, you can say it now, if you don't say it, you will leave, oh yo... Hurry up and say it..."

As soon as Tang Xiaonan entered the door, she heard her mother screaming with excitement, and she even patted her thigh, even more anxious than the heroine on TV, Yang Lijuan followed suit, shouting, "Oh... I'm so **** off, this woman is dumb. No, why don't you say it? Saying that the child in your belly belongs to this man... oh... If you don't say it, you will really leave..."

My sister-in-law is so anxious, they are more involved than actors, so anxious that they don't even eat melon seeds, they pat their thighs and keep shouting, until the male protagonist on TV misunderstands that the female protagonist is pregnant with someone else's child, and the female protagonist again After not explaining, he angrily got on the train and went away.

The female protagonist was sad and weeping in the back, and she was dejected. Xu Jinfeng and Yang Lijuan were so angry that they threw away the seeds, as if they owed them one million with a sullen face.

"I'm so **** off, stupid, I've given her a chance, and she's not dumb, why don't you say it, she deserves a lifetime of suffering!" Yang Lijuan cursed.

"It's just her own suffering, why don't you think about the child, this kind of person is not worthy of being a mother!" Xu Jinfeng also scolded.

Tang Xiaonan was at the door listening to the scolding of the two sisters-in-law. They were all scolding the heroine for being stupid, secretly laughing, watching every day and scolding every day, but still contributed to the ratings and did not drop an episode.

"Since you don't like it, why do you have to watch it? Just don't watch it."

Tang Xiaonan deliberately teased, sat down next to Xu Jinfeng, grabbed the melon seeds and started eating them.

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