"I seem to have heard that the family has a lot of money. What's wrong with him?" Wang Hai asked curiously.

Li Dong sneered, "He had a son who was kidnapped not long ago. Do you know how much ransom the big boss paid?"

"How much?" Wang Hai was even more curious, and added: "Let's talk about a few hundred thousand?"

Otherwise, how could he be worthy of his status as the richest man?

From Wang Hai's point of view, tens of thousands is a lot, and hundreds of thousands are astronomical figures that I can't even think about.

Li Dong laughed, Zhang Qiang looked at him more like a fool, no matter how panicked they were, he swallowed again, his throat was still very dry, and he stammered, "How many millions?"

"A whole billion!"

Li Dong's two index fingers crossed, making a cross, Wang Hai's whole body froze, his eyes were straight, and his mind couldn't think.

One billion...

Darling, how much does this cost?

"Have you got the money? Are you caught?" Wang Hai was more concerned about the consequences of the kidnappers.

If caught, even 10 billion won't be spent.

"Of course not. Boss Zhuang didn't call the police at all, and paid the money obediently." Li Dong's tone was full of admiration. It was only after he learned of this senior's "heroic deeds" that the idea of ​​kidnapping the rich's children came into being.

After they were released from prison, they ran into obstacles in their search for jobs. They reluctantly found a construction site to work as coolies. They were exhausted every day and could not save a penny. Even eating some meat was a luxury. The most annoying thing was that they worked hard for half a year. , the boss of the construction site also ran away, can't even find a fart, and the salary for half a year has been lost.

Looking at the mountains and the sky, Li Dong heard about the incident in Xiangjiang, which caused a sensation in the world. He was also inspired and decided that instead of sitting and waiting to die, it would be better to have a big ticket. The big deal is death.

Wang Hai was very envious when he heard it, and kept pointing his finger, "It costs 10,000 yuan a day, but only 3.65 million a year. These billions and 100 years can't be spent, how much interest do you have to deposit in a bank? If I spend 10,000 a day, how many elbows do I have to eat..."

After doing all the calculations, Wang Hai couldn't figure it out. He felt that if he was given 100 million yuan, he wouldn't be able to spend it all in his life. He could eat lobster in bed every day. What a beautiful life!

"Look at how promising you are, you have a billion, and you still eat a **** elbow. Let's eat black truffles, eat caviar, eat steak, and then go to a foreign country to buy a villa, and never go back to this **** place." Li Dong had already arranged a way out.

As long as they get the ransom, he and Zhang Qiang will go abroad together. He has already found all the smugglers. He will go to Xiangjiang first, and then go to M country from Xiangjiang. As long as they have money, they will be superiors in M ​​country, who will care about them. Been in jail before!

As for Wang Hai, this stupid thing, just stay and divert the fire of the Tang family. There must be a scapegoat, right?

"Brother, let's go to Country M. I heard that there is gold on the ground over there. They eat bread and steak every day. Everyone has a car and lives in a villa!" Wang Hai said yearningly.

"Well, just go to M country, you go back now and find a way to lead the three little ones to the back mountain, let's do the big one." Li Dong coaxed.

Wang Hai was a little flustered. It was the first time he did this kind of thing. He used to be a petty thief, and the worst thing was to steal some cables. Now let him tie someone up. He is really scared!

"Brother, how much do we want?" Wang Hai asked.

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