Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2032: Qian Zhuang cowardly

Li Dong laughed mysteriously, and compared a finger to Wang Hai, Wang Hai didn't understand, and asked in a low voice, "One million?"

"Promise bigger!" Li Dong rolled his eyes angrily.

"Ten million?"

Wang Hai swallowed, and cold sweat broke out on his body, but he didn't panic.

Qian Zhuang is cowardly, he is not afraid now.

When he has money, he will go abroad, and the yellow-faced woman doesn't want it anymore. How good are the blond women in foreign countries, tall and plump, and tall and straight, how beautiful they are in their arms.

Li Dong was too lazy to play dumb with him again, and said directly, "One hundred million!"

Since Tang Xiaonan has a net worth of several hundred million, of course one hundred million is not much, and he will definitely be able to collect the ransom.

Wang Hai stumbled a bit, he didn't stand still and almost fell. One hundred million...

Be nice!

However, with the stimulus of one billion yuan, he can accept it. Wang Hai's eyes are glistening. If the three people share one hundred million yuan, he can get more than 30 million yuan. I can't finish it.

"I'll go back and find those three little brats."

Wang Hai returned actively. For the money, he was not afraid of anything.

After he left, Li Dong sneered, and Zhang Qiang next to him asked impatiently, "Do you really give him money then?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. We take the money and leave. What are we going to do with him?"

Li Dong pulled the stalk of the grass and chewed it in his mouth. His expression was fierce and gloomy, and there was a gloomy light in his eyes. If it weren't for him being incapable of doing things alone, he wouldn't even want to share the money with Zhang Qiang. , if he thinks of a way to get rid of this kid, he will spend 100,000,000 by himself, and he will not be happy if he spends half.

Zhang Qiang was satisfied, he laughed, as if he saw the prosperous country M waving at him, and he was about to go to the other side of the ocean to live a luxurious life as a capitalist.

When Wang Hai went back, the banquet was still going on, and everyone was eating in full swing. His wife was dissatisfied: "Where have you been? Hurry up and eat, I left a hairy crab for you."

As he said, he handed over a red hairy crab, Wang Hai took it and gnawed on it nervously, looking around, looking for the three Xiaodong brothers.

Soon he found it. The three brothers Xiaodong had already eaten, and they were playing with other children. They were nearby, and there were no adults around. Wang Hai secretly rejoiced in his heart, and the hairy crabs did not care to eat, and whispered: "I'll go to a hut."

"Didn't you just have sex?" his wife complained unhappily.

"It hurts again."

Wang Hai covered his stomach, pretending to have abdominal pain, and successfully concealed everyone, so he half-bent over and walked away.

"It's really useless, there are so many delicious things to enjoy." Brother Wang Hai nibbled on the crabs proudly, feeling that his younger brother was really unlucky, and he would have diarrhea after eating something good. It was too useless.

"Speak less, eat quickly!"

His wife glared hard, and kept putting the delicious food in the plastic bag. She had to take it back for the children to eat, so she took it while eating, and it looked extremely ugly.

However, this was the case at her table. Several women took it while eating, and the guests at the next table showed contempt when they saw it.

Huo Dong brought his two younger brothers to play hide-and-seek with a group of children, and Huo Qijin was also there. He was half a year older than Huo Dong, but he had a calm personality and a cunning mind, just like his father Tang Aiguo, or even better.

"It's not fun here."

Once again, the child who was hiding was easily found, and the child Huonan was not happy. It was too unchallenging.

Little Huoxi was also not happy, so he shouted, "Go hide and seek in the back mountain, it's fun there."

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