"Mom and aunt are not allowed to go to the back mountain to play." Tang Qijin objected.

When they came to play, Tang Xiaonan and Ai Xiang both warned that they could only play nearby and not go to the back mountain.

Huo Dong didn't agree either. The back mountain was so big that the two younger brothers ran so fast that he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to watch it.

He is the eldest brother, so he has to be optimistic about his younger brother.

"Let's go there secretly, so that mom doesn't know." Huo Xi came up with an idea. He wanted to go to the back mountain so much, and hide-and-seek was interesting there.

Huonan was also eager to try and looked at his two brothers eagerly. He also wanted to go to the mountain to have fun.

In fact, Huo Dong and Tang Qijin were also very itchy. After all, they were only six or seven-year-old children, and they were more interested in playing. They were moved by their two younger brothers, but they still remembered their mother's advice and didn't let go.

"No, mom will be angry." Huo Dong's tone was not too firm.

Wang Hai came over at this time. He heard the words of a few children, and secretly glad that God gave the opportunity, he stepped forward and said with a smile: "Uncle will take you to play hide-and-seek, will you? Your mother will definitely not be angry if you have an adult with you. ."

"Okay!" Horsey clapped his hands very happily.

Huo Nan was also moved, but Huo Dong and Tang Qijin both looked at Wang Hai suspiciously. They didn't know this uncle, and this uncle looked so ugly when he laughed.

"Who are you?" Lord Huo Dong asked the same.

"I know your mother. Your mother's name is Tang Xiaonan, right? Your father's name is Huo Jinzhi, your grandfather's name is Tang Baishan, your grandmother's name is Zhang Manyue, and your grandfather's name is Tang Laifu..."

Wang Hai reported the names of everyone in the Tang family in one breath, looking very familiar, Huo Dong and Tang Qijin also dispelled some doubts, it sounded like they were indeed relatives.

Huo Xi and Huo Nan couldn't hold back, they kept urging, they couldn't wait to go to the back mountain to play.

"okay then."

Huo Dong and Tang Qijin finally let go, thinking that their mother will definitely not be angry with the adults.

The few children on the side didn't follow. Their adults all came to look for someone. Wang Hai successfully took the three brothers and Tang Qijin to the back mountain. He met many people along the way, but no one suspected it. After all, what can happen in Mopanshan?

Everyone is from the village.

Gradually there were fewer people, and he was getting closer and closer to the back mountain. Wang Hai was overjoyed, as if he had seen banknotes flying towards him. He didn't know Tang Qijin, but he was definitely from the Tang family. The family also has a lot of money, and this time 100 million is not enough.

"Where are you going?"

Someone asked loudly that it was Wang Chunhua who went to the thatched hut. She saw Wang Hai from a distance, and walked to the back mountain with her four children. She had doubts in her heart and stopped them.

Wang Hai was shocked, and quickly said with a smile: "The children want to go hide and seek, I will take them there."

Wang Chunhua was even more suspicious. She was also a mother, and it was absolutely impossible to give her child to someone she didn't know well, especially a rich person like Tang Xiaonan. relatives?

Intuition told her that there must be a problem, but Wang Chunhua didn't want to meddle in her own business. Hmph, the Tang family made her lose her life, so she didn't care about the life or death of the Tang family.

"I'm going to have a drink."

Wang Chunhua smiled, didn't ask any more questions, and walked towards the banquet.

Wang Hai breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help wiping his forehead. Tang Qijin and Huo Dong exchanged skeptical glances, but they were only a little skeptical. doing what.

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