Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2034: Ingot received instructions

"hurry up!"

The two children, Huonan and Huo Xi, didn't know the danger was coming, and urged Wang Hai to go faster. They couldn't wait to go hide-and-seek on the mountain.

"It's coming soon, walk slowly, be careful of falling!"

Wang Hai looked at the four glittering children 'kindly'. These were all banknotes. He would feel distressed if the skin was broken. In fact, he was just trying to make money and would not do anything to the four children, as long as the Tang family After paying the money, they will definitely let the child go home.

He thought that Zhang Qiang and Li Dong also thought the same way. It is a rule of thumb to seek money instead of life. If it hadn't really committed a serious matter, no one would want to get involved in a lawsuit.

But Wang Hai was wrong. Zhang Qiang and Li Dong were desperadoes. Since they tied the child, they didn't plan to let the child go back alive. When they got the money, they ran away, while Wang Hai, the idiot, stayed. Come down to face the anger of the Tang family and be their scapegoat.

Huo Dong thought for a while, put his hand in his mouth, and suddenly made a loud whistle, the sharp voice startled Wang Hai, he thought he was exposed, his face turned pale all of a sudden, in the end he was guilty of being a thief.

"You... what are you doing?"

Wang Hai stammered and asked, looking around for a while, but found nothing unusual, and his heart was relieved.

Huo Dong looked at him with contempt, put his hand in his mouth again, whistled again, and said, "I'm just playing."

"You really scared me, kid."

Wang Hai breathed a sigh of relief. Country children like to play the whistle, and he used to play the whistle when he was a child, but he didn't expect Huo Dong, who lives in the city, to play the whistle so well.

"You're so cowardly, like a mouse."

Tang Qijin's eyes were disdainful, and he didn't even think that such a timid person could do so many bad things.

Moreover, Xiaodong has already called Yuanbao. Even if there is an accident, Yuanbao can help.

Huo Dong didn't whistle any more after that, but a sturdy German shepherd quietly followed behind, keeping a short distance. He was the three brothers' good friend Yuanbao.

Tang Xiaonan was too lazy to think of a new name, and the second dog was still called Yuanbao. This German Shepherd was very smart, and was especially loyal to the three brothers. He only listened to the instructions of the three brothers.

Huo Nan and Huo Xi sensed the arrival of Yuanbao, and they opened their mouths to ask Yuanbao to come closer. Huo Dong glanced at them in warning, and the brothers immediately shut up. Although they didn't understand what the elder brother meant, they were good brothers who were obedient.

The back mountain was getting closer and closer, and they could see the foot of the mountain. Xiao Nan and Xiao Xi happily ran up, shouting as they ran, "Brother, Brother Qijin, let's go and hide, you come and find!"

They were going to hide in the tomb bag. Grandpa said that the tomb bag was the ancestor of the Tang family and would not harm them. Peekaboo could go there to hide. Both brothers remembered it.

"Slow down, hey... don't fall!"

Wang Hai was worried that the two 'golden ingots' would fall, so he quickly chased after them. Huo Dong and Tang Qijin exchanged glances and followed up. followed.

Anyway, with it there, no one wants to hurt the little master!

"Xiao Nan, let's go over there!"

Xiaoxi ran in front of Xiaonan, but Xiaonan was naturally unhappy, so he gathered all his strength to catch up. The two brothers chased after me and played on the hillside.

Zhang Qiang and Li Dong, who had been waiting impatiently, laughed smugly when they heard the children's laughter, half the success!

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