Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2137: Tucao of 2 old mothers

However, Ding Chunlan's husband is very handsome. Unlike other engineering men who are engaged in IT, the bald general has a greasy belly. Ding Chunlan's husband is elegant and handsome, and his body is well maintained. He is a little shorter, but he is also 1.7 meters. about.

Purely in terms of appearance, these two couples are actually not a good match, but Ding Chunlan can become the domestic president of a multinational company, and naturally he is not an ordinary person. At their level, the attraction of the soul is the most important thing, and the appearance is the second.

"Confident women are the most beautiful, and you are the most beautiful." Tang Xiaonan sincerely praised.

She admires Ding Chunlan's self-confidence, but she lacks such self-confidence, and Ding Chunlan has a particularly powerful aura.

"Haha, you are beautiful too, my dear."

Ding Chunlan also praised Tang Xiaonan, her teeth are particularly white, her mouth is quite large, and her smile is particularly contagious. It may be because she has stayed abroad for a long time. Ding Chunlan's style is more like Europeans and Americans.

The aunt brought out two cups of black tea, Ding Chunlan brought the cookies she baked herself, and Tang Xiaonan asked her aunt to make two cups of black tea, just right with the cookies, it was good for afternoon tea.

"The cookies you bake are really good, better than the ones you bought."

Tang Xiaonan tasted the piece and was full of praise, and her admiration for Ding Chunlan was like the water of the Yellow River, and she was full of praise.

Out of the hall, down to the kitchen, what else can this woman not know?

Compared to this, she is too far behind. Until now, she is not good at cooking. At most, she can make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, or stewed vermicelli with potatoes.

"To tell you the truth, I can only do this, otherwise the children will be very disappointed if they don't have the desserts that their mother bakes by themselves. Children were quite fooled when they were young, but now they are grown up and know that I can only bake cookies, so they will be very disappointed. Don't let me do it anymore."

Ding Chunlan speaks humorously and is very easy to get close to people. Tang Xiaonan chatted with her for a long time without knowing it, and ate a lot of cookies.

"Thank you for helping me introduce the school. The children like the new school very much, and your children take good care of their siblings." Ding Chunlan sincerely thanks.

Tang Xiaonan helped her recommend Huo Dong's private school. Ding Chunlan went to inspect it and felt that it was not bad. The two children also liked the school atmosphere, but most transfer students encountered rejection and even bullying. Her two children also No exception, fortunately, with Huo Dong and his brothers under the cover, the sister and brother adapted quite quickly and were not bullied.

"Yes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and your two children are very smart and have good personalities. Even if Xiaodong and the others don't take care of them, they will soon make new friends."

"You talk about them too well. In fact, they behave very well outside. It really gives me a headache at home. I leave the worst side to me. Sometimes it's really annoying." Ding Chunlan Can't help but complain.

Tang Xiaonan has a heart, "It's exactly the same, he is polite outside, his mouth is sweet, and he rarely gets angry. At home, he has a big temper. When he is unhappy, he puts on a stinky face, which makes my heart hurt."

"I thought it was just my children. It turns out that yours is too. Alas, the conditions of the children are so good now that they can't be compared with us at that time. They are completely different."

Ding Chunlan looked melancholy and sighed with emotion, Tang Xiaonan echoed: "Isn't it true, I was sensible and obedient when I was a child, and I didn't lose my temper, the kind that everyone loved."

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