Ding Chunlan couldn't help laughing out loud, and said enviously, "You must have been the family's favorite when you were young, and many people dote on you."

"That's right, my parents, three older brothers, and my grandparents, they love me very much, and my husband, we grew up together, and he takes care of me too."

Tang Xiaonan was a little embarrassed. Speaking of which, she seemed to have really lived in a honeypot when she was a child, and she didn't have the pressure of studying, so she was much happier than today's children.

Ding Chunlan was even more envious, and sighed softly, "You are so happy."

"What about you? Are there any siblings at home?" Tang Xiaonan heard her melancholy and couldn't help asking.

Ding Chunlan nodded and smiled bitterly, "Yes, I am the eldest in the family, and there are two younger brothers. My hometown is a rural area, and my family is very poor, and my side is very feudal, especially patriarchal, women are more than women. Grass is low, and it makes sense for a man to beat a woman, not even the law."

"Where is your hometown? How could it be like this? My family is also in the countryside, and there are people who prefer sons to daughters, but it's not as serious as yours. Your parents shouldn't give preference to sons, right?"

Tang Xiaonan was very surprised. It is a new society now, and there is still such a stinky place. Women are not human beings?

But she felt that Ding Chunlan's parents should be enlightened, otherwise, how could Ding Chunlan go to study abroad?

Ding Chunlan shook her head with a mocking expression, "They also prioritize sons over daughters. The two younger brothers are treasures, and I am Caojie. You may wonder why I can go to college, right? I have to thank my high school teacher, he is my benefactor for life. , reborn parents."

Maybe it was because she fell in love with Tang Xiaonan, or maybe it was the resentment she had held in her heart for too long. Ding Chunlan talked about her experience, and she never talked about it abroad.

It turned out that Ding Chunlan's parents were very ignorant and did not want to support Ding Chunlan to go to school. When she was fifteen years old, her parents wanted to marry her in exchange for a dowry, but Ding Chunlan fought to her death, and her grades were very good, and the teacher also spoke kindly. , and finally won the opportunity to continue school.

Just like Gu Zhiyan back then, Ding Chunlan studied very hard, and she was even more talented. She didn't have enough food and clothing every day, and she had endless farm work. Her grades were still among the best, and she jumped two grades, fifteen. Years old in high school.

Her high school teacher admired her very much, helped her pay for her tuition, let her eat at home to improve her meals, and took special care of her.

"At that time, the rations were limited. My teacher had three children in the family, and the burden was also heavy. I didn't have the nerve to go to his house to eat, but he forced me to eat, and asked the wife to make me good food, my tuition and study. The materials are all paid by the teacher, and I will never be able to repay his kindness in my life."

Ding Chunlan's eyes were wet. After she earned her first salary, she sent half of it to her teacher. She has been abroad all these years and has not had the opportunity to visit her teacher. continuously.

But the teacher didn't let her send it, saying that he had a retirement salary and lived well, and he didn't need her money. He only told her that she still had the motherland in her heart and remembered that she was from China.

"Actually, I could have gotten a green card a long time ago, but I refused. The teacher told me to keep in mind that I am from China, and I dare not forget his teaching, and the longer I stay outside, the more I miss my motherland, so I will come back. Right." Ding Chunlan said with a smile.

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