Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2139: He family goes bankrupt

"It's good to come back. Now the country is no worse than foreign countries, and it will get better and better. The golden nest and the silver nest are all their own grass nests." Tang Xiaonan agreed.

"Yeah, it's still my hometown. I can't eat authentic Chinese food outside. I dream of eating the braised noodles from my hometown, but what I make myself is always a little off."

"I remember that there is a noodle restaurant that is very authentic. It was opened by your fellow villagers. Many people go to eat. I will take you to eat one day." Tang Xiaonan laughed.

"Okay, I haven't eaten for a long time, it must be ten years, right?"

Ding Chunlan misses her very much. She really wants to eat the food of her hometown. She is not used to the food in Songcheng. Fortunately, Songcheng is a big city, and there are food cultures from all over the world. She can still eat in her hometown. Food, much better than in foreign countries.

The two chatted while eating, and the time passed quickly. Ding Chunlan's cell phone rang. When she saw the caller ID, her expression changed. After hesitating, she answered the phone.

"I'm outside, I'll go back and talk about something." Ding Chunlan's tone was not very good.

But the other party kept talking, Ding Chunlan's face became more and more ugly, she didn't speak anymore, the air pressure on her body was very low, Tang Xiaonan felt that she was in a bad mood, and the person who wanted to call should be the one she didn't want to see Friends.

"I'm sorry, I have something to deal with. I'll play with you next time."

Ding Chunlan hung up the phone, smiled apologetically with Tang Xiaonan, and left Huo's house, but before she walked to the yard, the phone rang again. Go home.

Tang Xiaonan just looked at her back and felt that she was very angry. As a CEO, Ding Chunlan is strong, but not domineering, and she rarely gets angry, which can make her so angry. awesome.

Although she was very curious, she didn't want to intervene. Everyone has their own secrets that they don't want to tell, so there's no need to get to the bottom of it.

On the weekends, the three brothers also came back. Their school is a dormitory system. They live at the school from Monday to Friday. On Friday evening, the school bus will bring them back, and the school bus will pick them up on Monday morning, which is very convenient.

"Mom, He Xiaofeng has transferred." Huo Dong said as soon as he came back.

Tang Xiaonan was not surprised. When she went to the kindergarten to pick up Xiaobei, she found that Shanshan had also transferred schools. After listening to other people in the community, it seemed that He Fugui's clothing factory suffered serious losses and could not even pay her wages. Naturally, she could not afford it. The high tuition fees for the two children were transferred to ordinary schools.

Huo Jinzhi also ate at home in the evening, and Tang Xiaonan asked about the He family.

"He Fugui was lucky, and he made a fortune when he met the help of nobles, but he is not good at business. Even if he doesn't move the factory, his garment factory won't last long, plus he likes to put on pomp, It's already overwhelmed."

Huo Jinzhi's tone was very flat, He Fugui was killing himself, and he couldn't blame others.

Tang Xiaonan didn't care too much, and talked about Ding Chunlan again, "She is really amazing, as inspirational as my sister-in-law, no wonder she can be a female president."

"She is indeed very capable, and her methods are also very powerful, but she is a very good person, and you have no problem with her." Huo Jinzhi had investigated Ding Chunlan and his wife long ago.

These two couples are typical strong women and weak men. Ding Chunlan is in charge of both the outside and the inside, grasping with both hands. Of course, her husband is not really weak. People who can engage in IT in Silicon Valley are of course not weak.

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