Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2140: Charity Auction

Ding Chunlan's husband is called Lu Baiguang. He is a typical tech house, with first-class technology, low self-care ability, and almost zero ability to communicate with people. However, Lu Baiguang doesn't like to deal with people. He just wants to concentrate on coding.

Lu Baiguang is a top IT talent, and foreign bosses are reluctant to let him go, but he only follows his wife. Even if the boss proposes such a sweet bait for shares, he is not moved and resolutely resigns and returns to China.

However, a top talent like him, no matter where he goes, is a fragrant baba. Before he resigned, the largest Internet company in China poached him. The benefits are naturally very attractive, with original shares and high annual salary. There is also the freedom of not restricting working hours. Anyway, Lu Baiguang can do whatever he wants, as long as he can go to the company and sit down.

The salary is not lower than that of foreign countries. Lu Baiguang basically works at home now. He rarely goes to the company. When the work is done, he will go there once, communicate with the boss, hold a technical meeting, and then come back to continue his research. No matter what, his temperament is like a snail.

Fortunately, he married such a capable and virtuous wife as Ding Chunlan, otherwise, Lu Baiguang's temperament would probably have been starved to death and no one at home would have known about it.

These two couples can be considered complementary. Ding Chunlan is strong and capable, has a dry temper, and has a strong desire to control. Lu Baiguang has a gentle personality, has almost no temper, and likes to be controlled by others.

"You also invested in Lu Baiguang's company, right?" Tang Xiaonan asked curiously.

"Well, one thing, your second brother also has it, and it's going to be listed next year." Huo Jinzhi smiled slightly.

As long as it goes public, the assets of him and Tang Aiguo will double again, but those are just numbers. When the wealth reaches a certain value, the desire for money is not so strong. .

With Huo Jinzhi's release, Tang Xiaonan made friends with Ding Chunlan very at ease. They went shopping together on weekends and had afternoon tea together. Chai Yuxiang would come sometimes, and Ding Chunlan would also introduce her friends to Tang Xiaonan. .

Of course, all the strong women know are strong women, not rich wives, or career women, but most of them are career women. After being with Ding Chunlan, Tang Xiaonan didn't stay at home often, and there were a lot of social activities. Even Huo Jin The capital said that she is busier than his boss now.

"I'm at home and you say I'm too homey. I have a show now, and you say I'm busy."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, didn't bother to pay any attention to him, and continued to dress up. In the evening, Ding Chunlan took her to a charity auction. Tang Xiaonan had attended with Huo Jinzhi before, but she didn't like this kind of occasion, so she didn't go there.

But the feeling of going with girlfriends is different, it seems to be more exciting, and Ding Chunlan said that there will be many stars coming in the evening, all of them are handsome and beautiful, which are very eye-catching.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Huo Jinzhi asked deliberately.

"No, don't you have a dinner with my second brother? Chunlan and I are together."

Tang Xiaonan refused, and went out with her husband, no matter how she looked at the handsome guy, Lu Baiguang didn't go, just she, Ding Chunlan, and a few wives she knew.

Huo Jinzhi smiled. He did have activities at night, so he said, "Just take pictures of what you like. Your husband has money, so don't worry about not being able to afford it."

"I know, I definitely won't save you money!"

Tang Xiaonan said with a smile that the black card was ready.

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