"I've said it many times, don't you understand people's language? It's okay to treat a disease, but there's no money to buy a house!"

Ding Chunlan cursed impatiently, turned around and left, two bodyguards protected her and walked out.

This **** place, she won't come again in the future.

She will never recognize such a relative again.

Every time she came, she would feel even more chilling towards her so-called relatives.

"Chunlan, you can't be so ruthless, you have to pay!"

Mother Ding suddenly rushed over and wanted to stop her daughter. If her daughter didn't buy a house, her two sons and daughter-in-law would make trouble at home all day long. She couldn't sleep well, and she couldn't live a peaceful life. She could only ask her daughter to buy a house. , she can't do it either.

Unprepared, Ding Chunlan was hugged by Ding's mother. She hugged tightly and refused to let go. Ding Chunlan yelled in anger, "Who is ruthless? It's obviously you, you don't deserve to be my mother, you are them. Mom, I won't give out a penny!"

The two bodyguards also went to pull, but Mother Ding was like a leech, hugging her tightly and not letting Ding Chunlan leave. This was her last life-saving straw, and she would not let go easily.

"Pull away with brute force!"

Ding Chunlan was ruthless, even if she broke her mother's hand, she would leave. It was a big deal that she would go to jail, but she would not be forced to give in like this.

When the two bodyguards were instructed, they used a lot of strength. Mother Ding screamed, and one hand fell weakly and was dislocated. Ding Chunlan took the opportunity to disengage.

"Beast, I will kill you!"

Ding's father suddenly roared, and everyone didn't react. They saw that he had an axe in his hand and rushed towards Ding Chunlan, his face was hideous, like a beast.

"Mr. Ding, let's go!"

The two bodyguards were also taken aback. I didn't expect Father Ding to be so crazy. This is a father, he is clearly inferior to a beast.

Ding Chunlan also came to his senses, and quickly ran out under the **** of the bodyguards, but the villagers were all surrounded and could not walk away for a while. Father Ding had already rushed over, and the axe slashed at Ding Chunlan, and a bodyguard quickly pulled it off. , Ding Chunlan avoided an axe.

Father Ding jumped in the air, stumbled, and fell to the ground, but still clutching the axe tightly, his expression became more and more fierce, fierce and fierce, and he looked very afraid of people.

The villagers were terrified and ran away screaming. The children cried out in terror. Mother Ding's arm was still hanging down and she didn't catch it. She was too frightened to speak. : "Don't mess around, old man, I'll have a good talk with Chunlan!"

He shouted at the two sons again: "Hurry up and stop your father, hurry up!"

The two younger brothers were a little reluctant, but at the urging of Mother Ding, they still stopped Father Ding, but the crazy father Ding was very strong, and he had an axe in his hand, so the two younger brothers didn't dare to stop him and stayed far away. Persuade, but Ding's father has been red-eyed, how can he listen to the persuasion, still relentlessly attack Ding Chunlan.

Ding Chunlan was also terrified. She didn't expect that her father would really want to hack her to death. She was fortunate at this time. After listening to Tang Xiaonan's words, she brought two bodyguards with her, otherwise how could she escape?

I'm afraid I'm going to die here.

"Mr. Ding, go this way!"

The two bodyguards dragged Ding Chunlan to the entrance of the village. As long as they got into the car, they couldn't run on four wheels on two legs. Ding's father chased after him and kept yelling like a madman.

Mother Ding also followed. She wanted to stop her husband, but she really hacked her daughter to death. Who will she ask for money in the future?

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