"Don't mess around, old man, put down the axe!" Mother Ding shouted as she ran, getting closer and closer to Father Ding.

The other villagers have dispersed, and the village chief is far away. This axe is going to cut people to death. Who dares to stop it.

"I hacked you to death, you unfilial beast, I gave birth to you to support you, and if I asked you to ask for money, I wouldn't agree to hack you to death!"

Father Ding's eyes were blood red, his face was distorted, and the axe in his hand was shining with cold light. He grinded it all night last night. His eldest daughter was so disobedient and unfilial. Anyway, it's what he gave birth to, even if he dies, it doesn't matter.

No one can tell if a father's lesson to his daughter is justified.

Ding Chunlan was dragged to run as a bodyguard again. She staggered and almost fell several times. Fortunately, the two bodyguards were veterans. Far.

Ding's father was chasing after him. His vigorous posture didn't look like a terminally ill old man at all. He ran faster than a young man, but he only cared about slashing people. He didn't see the pit under his feet. But her hand was still clutching the axe tightly, and her ferocious face looked particularly terrifying in the sun. Ding Chunlan looked at this familiar and unfamiliar face, her back was cold, and her heart was completely cold.

Just to ask for money, her father really killed her. In this man's heart, she might not be as good as the pig in the pigsty, right?

"I won't give you any money, I won't give you a penny, stop daydreaming!"

Ding Chunlan was sad and angry. After fleeing to the safe area, Ding's father, who fell to the ground, shouted loudly that she would never give the family a penny again. In the future, she and Ding's family would be cut off without any connection.

"Beast, I will hack you to death!"

The stimulated father Ding got up. At this moment, mother Ding ran over and shouted at him, "Don't be stupid, old man. You hacked Chunlan to death. Who do you ask for money?"

Ding Chunlan couldn't help sneering, everyone only thought about her money, and so did her mother, no one in this family really cared about her.

"When people die, the money is still there, it's all mine!"

Father Ding is no longer ignorant at this time. He has made a plan. The eldest daughter must have earned a lot of money. When the eldest daughter dies, all the money will be his, and he can divide it as he wants.

In this man's heart, Ding Chunlan was just an object, not a person at all.

Ding Chunlan's expression became even colder, she thought so beautifully, and the two bodyguards urged her to get in the car.

"Don't worry, I'll see what he dares to do."

Ding Chunlan looked at her father Ding coldly in the distance. She is now beside the car and can get in the car and escape at any time, so she is not afraid, she wants to see how shameless this father is.

"Old man is obedient, put the axe away, I will go and tell Chunlan to ask her to pay!" Mother Ding advised.

"You said there was a fart, that beast wouldn't listen to you, I'll hack her to death today!"

Father Ding cursed fiercely, looking at the eldest daughter who looked indifferent in the distance, he was even more angry, raised his head and rushed over, Mother Ding screamed and wanted to step forward to stop it, just at this moment, strange. Suddenly, Father Ding stumbled and fell again, and this time the axe in his hand flew out.

The sharp axe drew a white light in the air, and everyone watched helplessly as the eldest son of the Ding family, who was hiding with the axe, flew over. The eldest son came to persuade Ding's father under the instructions of Ding's mother, but he did not dare to approach. Just hide and watch.

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