Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2176: super guerrilla

"Your money doesn't belong to me, I have money, I just have to find someone to be the principal. I'll go to her place with Chunlan to investigate in two days. Don't miss me at home." Tang Xiaonan joked.

"How many days? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Ten or so days. You don't need to accompany you. You take care of the children at home, and don't leave your studies behind."

Tang Xiaonan and Ding Chunlan have already agreed, and after Ding Chunlan arranges the work at hand, they will go to her hometown to investigate together to see how backward they are.

Two days later, Tang Xiaonan and Ding Chunlan set off, as well as Gu Zhiyan. After she heard about Ding Chunlan, she had the idea of ​​​​writing this story and went there to collect wind.

"Our company has been doing charity all the time. It's also my selfishness. Every year, I donate money to my hometown. There is a special person in charge to receive us." Ding Chunlan said.

"That's good, it saves a lot of trouble." Tang Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ding Chunlan was not so optimistic, "After you go, your mood will definitely worsen, because it is beyond your imagination, and my hometown is too ignorant and backward."

"Don't worry, there is nothing more terrifying than your father."

"Of course, my father is not the most terrible, the most terrible is ignorance, but they don't know it."

Ding Chunlan sneered.

Although Ding Chunlan had been vaccinated on the road, Tang Xiaonan was still shocked when she got there.

They were received by a female staff member in her early thirties, named Li Hong, a staff member of the local government who also volunteered to help the poor. She has been here for three years and has a good understanding of this place.

"There are also schools, but almost all the boys who come to go to school, and very few girls come to go to school. My colleagues and I have come to persuade them, but parents are unwilling, even if they go to school for free. Girls can do a lot of work at home, raising pigs. Feeding the chickens, doing laundry, and helping to take care of my younger siblings is half the labor."

Li Hong introduced the situation here with a wry smile. The work was too difficult, and the local villagers were ignorant and stubborn, and could not listen to the advice at all.

"There is only one way to let them relax, and that is to pay them wages. This is what the locals said. If the wages are paid, the girls will go to school. How is it possible that our government's wages cannot be paid, so there is no money to pay them. "

Li Hong frowned and was also quite discouraged. She came with great ambitions, but now she is disheartened, and she plans to return to the city to work.

They rested for one night that day. The next day, Li Hong took them to a nearby village, not Ding Chunlan's village, but a village in a neighboring county, which was equally backward and ignorant.

Along the way, you can see low-rise houses. Some houses don't even have roofs, and the doors and windows are also dark, but there are people living there.

"This is a supernatural birth. Five or six daughters are born. If you insist on giving birth to a son, the cattle and sheep are taken away. The roof is also lifted, and the doors and windows are removed. road.

Such houses can be seen everywhere, and there are many in the village. Obviously, there are many supernatural guerrillas in this village. Tang Xiaonan also saw many girls in the village, dressed in tattered clothes, with dirty faces, small children on their backs, and holding hands in their hands. Some of them were walking barefoot, even without shoes on. In the cold weather, their feet were red from freezing, and they had frostbite.

Li Hong took them to a family, and they were so poor that there was a clanging sound. No, the sound could not be heard. There was no stove. A simple stove was built with two bricks, and a broken earthen pot was the kitchen utensils of the family.

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