Of course, this family has no doors and windows, and even the roof is made of plastic sheets. The family is very poor, and there is no bowl to eat. It is made of bamboo tubes, and the chopsticks are also made by themselves.

But this family is not a guerrilla, the husband and wife are both at home, and their six daughters, the older one is about ten years old, the younger one is still carrying, at most one year old, the hostess still has a big belly, There is still one in it, it looks like it is five or six months old.

Tang Xiaonan figured it out, the hostess didn't rest all year long, and she could give birth more than a sow.

When they went, the family was cooking lunch. The eldest daughter was making a fire outside. The broken earthen jar was filled with rice, which was bubbling and smelling. Potatoes were boiled inside, and four dirty children were crowded beside them. , staring eagerly at the crock pot, saliva flowed out.

Obviously these children are hungry, even the simplest boiled potatoes make them thirsty.

"Okay, don't grab it!"

The eldest daughter poked it with chopsticks, the potatoes were cooked, and just after they were taken out, a few small black hands stretched out, not afraid of being hot, she grabbed the potatoes and put them in her mouth, without even peeling the skin.

"Hot, blow it!"

The eldest daughter was very stable. She took the potatoes from the hands of several younger sisters, and patiently peeled them and let them cool down before letting them eat. Before eating, the eldest daughter sighed, like a little adult at a young age.

"Zhao Di, come here!"

Li Hong shouted, and the eldest daughter looked up to see her, her eyes were surprised, and she ran over happily, "Aunt Hong."

"I didn't have anything to eat again? This is for you."

Li Hong took out a steamed bun from her bag and stuffed it into her eldest daughter. The girl hesitated to take it, but instead of eating it, she put it in her pocket.

"Hurry up, your mother still has it." Li Hong took out a few more steamed buns from her bag, expressing that she didn't lie to her.

Only then did Zhao Di feel relieved. She picked up the steamed bun and nibbled at it. Her hands were clean. Although her clothes were worn out, they were still neat and tidy. She was just skinny and her hair was thin and yellow.

"Comrade Li is here, sit down."

The big-bellied hostess came over and greeted them with a smile. The hostess was a little restrained and smiled embarrassedly, and there were no chairs at home. Tang Xiaonan and the others did not sit, and put the oil and rice noodles they brought into the room.

The house has a strong musty smell, it is very damp, and it is very dark, and there is no electricity. The local government has cut off the electricity in this house. Because they have had a baby, their family is now living a primitive life.

"thanks, thanks……"

The hostess kept saying words of thanks, but her expression was taken for granted. She didn't feel ashamed to accept other people's financial aid. Obviously, the family was used to being rescued.

"How old are you?" Gu Zhiyan chatted with the hostess.


The hostess said her age, which shocked everyone. They thought that the hostess was at least forty. She was black, thin, and old, but she was only twenty-eight.

"If this child is still a daughter, are you still alive?" Li Hong asked deliberately.

"She will definitely have a son."

The hostess spoke calmly and said, "The fine is also imposed, anyway, my family has no money."

Li Hong smiled bitterly and looked at Tang Xiaonan and the others with helpless eyes.

"Have you had so many births, have you ever thought about whether you can afford it?" Gu Zhiyan asked.

"Why can't you afford it? Boil a few more yam eggs. You can grow a large piece of it on the mountain, and you will definitely not starve to death." The hostess said lightly.

"Don't go to school?" Tang Xiaonan couldn't help asking.

The hostess looked surprised, as if she was asking a mentally retarded question, "What school does the girl go to, and she will marry when she grows up."

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