Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2178: spiritual poverty

Tang Xiaonan's heart was blocked for a while, the hostess's natural tone, and this indifferent and numb appearance, like a big mountain, weighed down her breathlessly.

What is even more terrifying than sons and daughters is that women themselves have acquiesced to such a bad custom, and even become accomplices, just like Ding Chunlan's mother, who helped Ding's father to abuse her daughter, and forgot that she was actually a victim.

Sometimes, the one who bullies women the most is actually women.

Like a bad mother-in-law.

Like a foolish and vicious mother.

"Have you ever been to school?" Tang Xiaonan asked the hostess.

The hostess was stunned. After a long while, she regained her senses and smiled abruptly, as if Tang Xiaonan asked an unbelievable question. She shook her head.

That's what her parents said, and the same goes for other people in the village. There were no girls in her parents' village to study, and they all married when they were fifteen or sixteen years old.

Such an answer is not surprising, but Tang Xiaonan still felt a tingling pain in her heart. How could this mistress give birth to a child? She is just like a piglet. She may end up like her, marrying early and having children, and becoming a free babysitter and fertility machine.

"Mom, I'm hungry..."

A dirty little girl came over, holding the corner of the hostess's clothes, raised her head and said pitifully, Tang Xiaonan remembered that this little girl was the best at grabbing potatoes just now, it should be the second child in the family, seven or eight At the age of 12, he looks particularly vicious when he eats potatoes. He ate four or five in a row, more than other children.

"Drink some water and you won't be hungry."

The hostess pulled away the little girl's hand impatiently, without any warmth and love, and Tang Xiaonan also saw that the little girl didn't have much affection for her mother, nor for several sisters, just like a little beast The same, special care.

Just now, Li Hong distributed steamed buns to the six sisters. The result was that these two girls ate the most. They even grabbed the steamed buns from the younger sister. They ate a lot, but these two girls were not full, and their stomachs were like a bottomless pit. .

The second girl covered her stomach and didn't go to drink water. Instead, she shifted her target, looked at Li Hong eagerly, stretched out her little black hand, and begged for food confidently, "I'm hungry."

"I gave you everything I brought."

Li Hong opened her bag, it was all empty, and there was nothing to eat. The second girl believed it, but she was not discouraged and went to find Tang Xiaonan again, but the eldest girl called Di over.

"The second child is back!"

Zhao Di grabbed her sister and glared fiercely. The second girl was still a little afraid of her sister, so she shrank her neck and whispered that she was hungry.

"You eat the most, and you still have the face to say you are hungry, so go for hogweed!"

Zhao Di took the sickle and the basket, and asked the second and third children to hunt hogweed. The most valuable asset in the family was the fat pig in the pigsty. The whole family pointed to this pig and sold it for money, so they could eat one. A full meal with meat.

The fourth, the fifth, and the sixth are still young, unable to work, lying on the ground and playing with mud, with mud on their hands, and no one cares about them, and Tang Xiaonan also found that the family was drinking raw water, really like primitive people The same, just watching, Tang Xiaonan couldn't take it anymore, and his heart was heavy.

The unspeakable feeling is not anger, nor sadness, but it is extremely uncomfortable. It is in the 21st century, and there is still such a backward and ignorant village. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really wouldn't believe it.

This kind of vulgarity cannot be solved by simple poverty alleviation. These people need not only material assistance, but also spiritual poverty alleviation.

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