Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2180: 17 year old victim

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Tang Xiaonan frowned and felt unhappy. In fact, the local government did not work properly. If she really wanted to manage it, how could she not.

But it might be because she thought too simplistically. This kind of backward mountainous folk customs is agile, and the law is difficult to manage. The staff may also be afraid of retaliation.

"Are there many people like Zhaodi's family in the village?"

Li Hong shook his head, "Their family is a special case. The other families are basically three or four, or four or five. There are no six or seven children like his family. Do you still want to visit other families?"

"Yes, take us to a few more typical homes." Gu Zhiyan said.

She has been inspired by her enthusiasm for creation. These are all living materials. She wants to write all of them into a book and let the whole country see it. There is still such a backward place in China, and I hope more people can help here. woman.

The road in the village is rugged and the car can't go in. Tang Xiaonan and the others can only get out of the car and walk, one foot deep and one foot shallow. Li Hong walked at the front, walking like a fly, and came to a small river. It is early winter, and the temperature on the mountain is warm. Low, the river was as cold as the water, and there was a woman washing clothes by the river.

"Xu Daya, why did you come to do the laundry? Are you going to die?" Li Hong shouted and reproached.

The woman washing clothes stood up and smiled at Li Hong: "I'm already healed. The clothes at home are all piled up, and I can't wear them without washing them."

"Let your man wash, you haven't done the confinement, do you want to die when you wash clothes in such a cold day?"

Li Hong was very angry, and really felt sorry for his misfortune and hated him indisputably.

Tang Xiaonan could see Xu Daya's appearance clearly, her face was pale and thin, her face was thin, there was no flesh on her face, her lips were bloodless, her back was not straight, she looked sick, but she should be young.

"How can a man do laundry, I'll do it right away."

Xu Daya smiled and continued to wash her clothes. She had a lot of strength. The clothes were banging loudly. Li Hong was so angry, but she couldn't do anything about her. She would never be able to wake up a sleeping person. .

"I just had a miscarriage ten days ago. She has had three miscarriages this year. She still doesn't pay attention to her body. If she continues like this, she will die." Li Hong said angrily.

"She has a habitual miscarriage~www.readwn.com~ She has to go to the hospital to check it out." Tang Xiaonan also frowned. It was another fertility machine. This village was like a big cage, and women were the animals locked in the cage.

"I went to the hospital to check. The doctor said that it was caused by being too young and underdeveloped. The doctor said that they should take care of them for a few years and asked them to use contraception, but the men refused to listen. Xu Daya herself has no opinion. Earth embrace, flow again and again."

The more Li Hong talked, the more angry she became. This was also the reason why she wanted to leave. She saw these bad things every day, and she couldn't change it. This sense of oppressive powerlessness was too suffocating. She wanted to escape from here and stay any longer. She was afraid I am either mad or depressed.

"How old is this girl?"

"I was fifteen years old when I got married. She was sold by her father for 2,000 yuan. She didn't even have a marriage certificate. After two years of marriage, she had four miscarriages."

Tang Xiaonan's heart skipped a beat. After all, this Xu Daya was only seventeen years old, but she was already scarred. In Songcheng, a seventeen-year-old girl was in her best years. She should have gone to school on campus without any worries. When she was thinking about it, Xu Daya had already been hurt four times, leaving her body with pain that could never be healed.


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