Xu Daya had already washed her clothes and went ashore with a bucket of clothes. Her hands were red with cold, and she had a lot of frostbite. From a closer look, the girl was even more haggard. There was no blood on her face. Xiang, half-bent over, and beats his waist a few times from time to time.

"Your back hurts?" Li Hong asked.

"Well, it hurts."

Xu Daya thumped a few more times, her brows furrowed, she glanced at Tang Xiaonan and the others, a little embarrassed, and did not dare to look up.

"Did your man force you again? The doctor said that you can't have **** within half a year, so don't take it seriously." Li Hong asked specially.

Xu Daya's man is a shy man, he is in his thirties, and he can't get a wife. He borrowed 2,000 yuan from all over the world to buy Xu Daya back, and he tossed Xu Daya all day long. Still a child, she didn't understand anything. Li Hong really took pity on this girl, but she couldn't help her.

A situation like Xu Daya's is not uncommon in the village, and other villagers don't think anything is wrong. Everyone comes here like this.

Xu Daya blushed and lowered her head shyly. Although she didn't speak, the answer was obvious. Li Hong said angrily, "You really don't want to die? Do you ignore what the doctor said to you?"

"I'm not as strong as him, and he told my mother-in-law that it's fine."

Xu Daya whispered, in fact, she is not happy, she is not happy at all doing that kind of thing, it hurts to death, but a man is a god, how can she resist a man?

"Bastard, beast, I'll go talk to him!"

Li Hong, who was extremely angry, scolded a few swear words one after another. Tang Xiaonan and the others were also very angry. This is simply a strong woman. Is there no women's aid organization in the local area?

If Xu Daya continues to stay in this village, I'm afraid that her life will be explained, and now she doesn't look very good.

Of course, Li Hong didn't scold Xu Daya's man, but was stopped by Tang Xiaonan. Just scolding a few words didn't work. Instead, it might even cause Xu Daya to be scolded. She stopped going to the village and dragged Li Hong back to the house.

"Tell the truth, are there any abducted women in this village?" Tang Xiaonan asked directly.

Li Hong was silent for a while, then nodded, "Some of them were bought, but Xu Daya was not kidnapped, she was sold by her own father, her mother's family is in the next village, her mother died, now Stepmother."

"Don't you have a women's aid organization here? Watching these women suffer no matter what?" Gu Zhiyan was also very angry.

Li Hong laughed sarcastically, "Those organizations can't control it, not even the law, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away."

"You can only watch these women suffer and suffer? If you don't help them, their daughters will still be bought and sold, and their sons will become accomplices. You can't do this. You have to find a way to change it." Gu Zhiyan was very excited. I am a victim of son preference, and I hate such a thing the most.

She wanted to help these poor women.

"It can only change slowly. It's probably useless to run a school. No one will send their daughter to school if it's done." Tang Xiaonan said angrily.

Before, she was too naive to think that in such a backward place, even if the school was established, no parents would send their daughters to school, they just wanted to exchange their daughters for money.

Tang Xiaonan gritted his teeth and said, "I have a solution, just take a little risk."

"What can you do, tell me quickly!" Li Hong urged.

"Secretly rescue these women and take them to another place, so that their men don't know." Tang Xiaonan said.

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