Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2182: poor person must have something mean

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! After listening to Li Hong, she couldn't stop shaking her head, "Those women won't go with you. They don't dare to take this step at all. If they have a sense of resistance, they won't stay in the village and suffer."

After she came to work here, she had the same idea as Tang Xiaonan at first, wanting to persuade those women to go out to work, at least stay away from this suffocating village, and go outside to gain knowledge, her thoughts will also change, and she will no longer be resigned. enslaved and abused by men.

But those women don't listen to them at all. They have lived in this place since they were born, and they have no education and no chance to see the outside world. They have been enslaved by the thought that women deserve to suffer from childhood, just like being deliberately controlled by a mold to grow. Just like the fruits of their lives, their minds have also been controlled, and now they are numb tool people, where can there be a sense of resistance?

Li Hong said something she had experienced before, which made her feel cold.

"There was a woman who was beaten so badly by her husband every day that she broke her bones several times. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went to the poor woman in private and said I could help her buy tickets and introduce her to jobs in the city. The woman agreed. We made an appointment, but it was the woman’s husband’s family who came, and they were aggressive, if they weren’t concerned about my status as a government worker, they might even beat me.”

Li Hong is still afraid when she talks about it now. The family is just like a bandit. Later, she found out that when the woman wanted to escape, her husband found out. After a beat, the woman pushed everything to Li Hongtou. superior.

It was said that Li Hong bewitched her, but she didn't want to escape at all. Although the woman was very pitiful, Li Hong was still very angry.

"Since then, I will no longer have private contact with them, and I will not be overflowing with sympathy no matter how pity I am."

Li Hong laughed at herself. The most terrifying thing is not the tragedy, but the numbness of the people in the tragedy. She is the only one who is sober, but there is nothing she can do. This feeling is too difficult, she wants to escape from this place, Otherwise she will be crazy too.

Tang Xiaonan frowned. What Li Hong said was indeed a problem, but she still wanted to try it. She didn't believe that all women were numb. There must be a few who have a sense of resistance, right?

"Maybe you are unlucky and encountered bad things, but I believe there are still people who are worthy of help. I think Zhao Di just now is very good. Maybe she wants to go out."

Gu Zhiyan and Ding Chunlan also agreed, "That child Zhao Di is really good. He is a piece of jade. If he is trained well, he should have a good future."

Li Hong shrugged, "I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm, and I also hope that these girls can go out, so if you need me to do anything, just say, I can contribute."

Tang Xiaonan didn't actually have many regulations, she just had an idea, and she had limited time, so she couldn't go to all the villages, so she had to recruit troops, and it was best to recruit young people like Li Hong who had a conscience and a warm heart.

"Are there any more typical ones? We'll only be here for a few days. We can count how many people we can help. We will have to recruit some people for future work." Tang Xiaonan asked.

"Of course there is, and there is an even worse one. I guess she is a kidnapped woman. She is very beautiful and should have a high degree of education, but she may have some problems with her sanity. Don't let me and my colleagues enter the house, and I can't help even if I want to." Li Hong said heavily.


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