Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2192: I have lived in hell, I will not fear the abyss

"Thank you, doctor."

The parents of the Jiang family are very grateful. They met a kind doctor. They went to the hospital to see a doctor before. Some doctors prescribed a bunch of useless medicines and wasted money. This female doctor is a bodhisattva.

Tang Xiaonan looked at the checklist and breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were many problems, they were not serious illnesses that caused death, and they would recover if they took care of them, and Jiang Xiaoyan would be able to start a new life.

"The reporter is here in the afternoon. It's from the provincial capital newspaper. Can you be interviewed this afternoon? I told the reporter that you don't need to take photos and don't use your real name." Tang Xiaonan said.

Jiang Xiaoyan shook her head, her voice was soft but firm, "I can take photos with my real name, which is more believable."

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment and reminded her, "In that case, you may become famous all over the country. Although most people sympathize with you, there will also be some not-so-good voices. Can you accept that?"

This is a patriarchal society. When women are persecuted, there will always be some scumbags who will blame the victim while blaming the criminal. This is called the theory of victim guilt.

The most common is that girls are violated. The girl is already pitiful enough, but there will be some animal things, jumping out and saying:

"Wearing such a short skirt and camisole makes it clear that it is for men."

"In the middle of the night, a girl is still hanging out at her house, and she wants to hook up with a man!"

"Good women don't go to places like nightclubs. They hang out with men at night just because they want to have something to do with men, but they bite back when it happens. It's probably because they don't have enough money. Men are so pitiful!"


There are countless rumors like this, which is the main reason why many girls dare not call the police after being violated.

The criminals may not have crushed the girls, but the gossip that crushed them. The saliva can really drown people.

Tang Xiaonan was worried that Jiang Xiaoyan didn't have such a strong psychological quality, and she didn't want her to be stimulated again.

Jiang Xiaoyan was very determined, "I have endured it for fifteen years. There is nothing I can't stand those words. I am not that vulnerable."

Now that she has been interviewed, she is mentally prepared for the national attention. Can it be more difficult than being locked in a house like an animal by a horse column and living a dark day?

Will not!

She has already lived in hell, how could she be afraid of the abyss.

After returning to the hotel, the front desk said that there was a phone message, which was from Li Hong, and Tang Xiaonan called back.

"Ma Zhu found a few brothers of the same family and looked for Jiang Xiaoyan everywhere. They had guessed that you had taken people away and were going to go to the city to find you." Li Hong said eagerly.

"Just let them come. It's a society ruled by law. If they dare to try it, they'll just be sent to jail!"

Tang Xiaonan sneered, it was just right when she came, she simply asked reporters to take pictures of the ugly faces of the villagers like Ma Zhu, so that the people of the whole country could see them, and they also made a name for this small county.

Li Hong listened to her calm tone, so she was not in a hurry, and her tone was relaxed, "Brother Ma Zhu is in a hurry. He didn't sleep last night, and he searched all over the mountains around the village. How is Jiang Xiaoyan doing now? Is there any problem?"

"It's good. I just went to the hospital for a checkup. I'm not feeling well, but I can manage it well. I've contacted the reporter and I'll be there in the afternoon." Tang Xiaonan said lightly.

"A reporter is coming? Can I be interviewed? I have so much to say, I've been holding back for years." Li Hong was so excited that she admired Tang Xiaonan so much.

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