Sure enough, she is a big shot, and her actions are extraordinary. She has wanted to contact the reporter for a long time, but there is no way to do this. Some young reporters don't want to go into the muddy waters here, for fear of retaliation.

"Of course, I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Tang Xiaonan readily agreed, and she had thought about it. If possible, she would want reporters to interview Song Zhaodi and Xu Daya. They would be completely exposed, and the bigger the better.

After lunch, the reporter arrived. She is a young female reporter who is hot and hot. She is from the local provincial capital newspaper. She has several relationships with Ai Xiang. Ai Xiang said that this female reporter is **** and courageous. She has also reported on it before. The matter of the black coal kiln, a case like Jiang Xiaoyan, is just right for her to report.

"My name is Xu Shengnan, hello."

The female reporter took the initiative to reach out, she was cheerful and generous, and Tang Xiaonan had a very good impression on her.

"My name is Tang Xiaonan, and Ai Xiang is my second sister-in-law."

"I heard Sister Ai mention you, is Jiang Xiaoyan there? Can I be interviewed now?"

Xu Shengnan really tried his best to Sanniang. After a few words of greetings, he immediately went to the main topic. Without delaying for a minute, Tang Xiaonan led her to Jiang Xiaoyan's room. Jiang's parents and younger brother Jiang were also there.

Not long after, Li Hong was also picked up.

The interview went on for an hour, and Jiang Xiaoyan was out of energy and couldn't bear the long interview. After she rested, she could continue. Xu Shengnan heard Li Hong tell about the situation in the countryside, and his eyes became brighter.

"Can you take me to those villages? I want to interview them."

"I'm fine, but I can't guarantee your personal safety. People in some villages are very domineering. There was a reporter who went to interview and was almost beaten to death by them. You should find some **** men to protect you. You are young and beautiful. It's a girl again, and it's easy to get into trouble."

Li Hong kindly reminded her that she didn't want Xu Shengnan to have an accident. She didn't dare to go to some villages because there were too many bachelors. The bachelors in the village were like bandits, and there were even several brothers who shared a wife. She heard this at first. It's just a matter of shattering the three views, and it is impossible to imagine.

"Don't worry, I have practiced and I am very good. Seven or eight men can't get close to me."

Xu Shengnan clenched her fists and clucked. If it wasn't for her life-saving skills, she wouldn't dare to explore the black coal mine, which is much more dangerous than these villages, and she was still a woman disguised as a man, and she almost died several times.

Li Hong was persuaded by her and agreed to take her to visit the countryside.

Jiang Xiaoyan took a nap for more than an hour and regained some energy, so she continued the interview, but there was a noise outside, and the hotel manager came over in a panic.

"A group of bandits came outside and said that you stole their wives. What can I do? I can't afford to offend those bandits!"

"What are you panicking about, call 110, why don't you call the police when this happens, come to me?" Tang Xiaonan said angrily, took out her phone and called 110, "Someone surrounded the hotel and wanted to kill people and set fire to them. Come quickly!"

After giving the hotel address, she hung up the phone and said to the manager, "Don't be afraid, the police will be here soon."

"But they're smashing things below, and they'll be upstairs soon."

The manager was sobbing. Those were all bandits.

"I'll pay for how much you smashed, you let them smash it!"

Tang Xiaonan sneered, the more smashed, the better, this is called damage to property, which is a criminal offense, just to be caught and educated.

As soon as the manager heard that she was willing to pay, he immediately calmed down, his face turned cloudy, and he calmly went down to Ma Zhu and the others. After all, he was not afraid of Ma Zhu's few who had seen a big scene.

Ten minutes later, the siren sounded closer and closer, Tang Xiaonan went to the lobby, the tables and chairs were all smashed, the floor was in a mess, Ma Zhu saw Tang Xiaonan, his eyes were red, he rushed towards her, but soon He was held down by the police and rudely handcuffed him.

"If you dare to beat someone in front of the police, grab them and take them away!"

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