Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2194: Crazy human trafficker

"I came to find my daughter-in-law, they kidnapped my daughter-in-law, why do you arrest me!"

Ma Zhu shouted loudly and kept saying that he was looking for a daughter-in-law. The police hesitated. The last thing they liked is this kind of housework. It's their police who are not human anymore.

"I'm not his daughter-in-law, I was abducted and trafficked. They locked me up like a beast and forced me to have children. If I didn't want to, beat me. Comrade police, please arrest them and go. I'm a human, not a beast. I finally escaped, and even if I die, I won't go back with them again!"

Jiang Xiaoyan suddenly appeared, glared at Ma Zhu and the others angrily, and shouted about what happened to her.

Xu Shengnan also came down and showed her press card. Several police officers immediately became solemn and did not dare to treat it as a normal case. This reporter came from the provincial capital. If they did not do their best in the newspaper, they would not be able to keep their jobs.

"Aren't you crazy? Well, you pretended to show me, I'll kill you!"

Ma Zhu rushed over viciously, trying to teach Jiang Xiaoyan a lesson, but just as he moved, he was held down by the police, "Which one do you want to kill?"

"She's really my daughter-in-law. I bought it for 2,000 yuan. I still owe a debt. You can't ignore the daughter-in-law that I bought with so much money!"

Ma Zhu shouted that he was wronged, and he felt that he was right. The wife he bought with real money, he would fight if he wanted, sleep if he wanted, and it would be fine if he killed him. Jiang Xiaoyan was in his heart, just like the pigsty. Like a pig, it's just an object, and it's fine for him to mess with it.

The police heard it loudly, and the parties admitted it themselves. They didn't want to control it. It was illegal to buy and sell people. This Ma Zhu really wanted to kill himself.

In the end, the police still took Ma Zhu and several clan brothers he brought, and damaged the property of the hotel, at least ten days and a half months.

Seeing Ma Zhu being taken away with her own eyes, Jiang Xiaoyan collapsed onto the ground as if she had collapsed, covering her face and crying bitterly. She finally escaped, and Ma Zhu could no longer lock her up.

"thank you all……"

Jiang Xiaoyan couldn't help thanking her, as well as Jiang's parents and younger brother Jiang. After they calmed down, they continued to accept Xu Shengnan's interview. Someone from the police also came to take Jiang Xiaoyan's notes and brought a photo of a woman.

"It's her, she holds a child, the child doesn't cry or make trouble, and sleeps peacefully in her arms. I have no doubts at all. I went to the alley with her, even if the woman was burnt to ashes, I still remember it. "

Jiang Xiaoyan recognized the photo as soon as she saw it. It was the woman who kidnapped and sold her fifteen years ago, and she gritted her teeth in hatred.

The policeman who came here is a little old, in his forties. He came from the provincial capital. The woman in the photo is a habitual offender. He has done many evil things for more than ten years and has killed countless women and children. The child Jiang Xiaoyan saw is very special. This woman may also be the one who kidnapped and sold it. After the drug was taken, the child would not cry or make trouble. Others thought it was a real mother and would not be suspicious.

"A few months ago, several children in the county had an accident, all of them boys under the age of three. Some people saw that this woman took them away. She has killed many women and children over the years."

The policeman's surname is Zhong, and his expression is very heavy. He has been catching human traffickers all these years. This aunt named He Ma should be the small leader of the human traffickers gang. She is crazy and cunning. She has escaped many times.

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