Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2200: Queen of the Sea

"I don't know you, and neither does my father, you fox, shameless, my father only likes my mother, hum!"

Xiaobei scolded angrily, she would not let her family become like Sasha's, the vixen must be destroyed, before her mother came home, she could not let her know.


Tang Xiaonan couldn't help laughing out loud, and the smile was broken, revealing the original voice, the little girl couldn't hide it, she was so mad, she stomped her feet and said, "Mom, you are so annoying!"

"Haha, it's my mother's fault, Xiaobei is good, what is my father doing? Are there any aunties outside looking for my father?"

Xiaobei's eyes flickered, and she glanced upstairs. Dad was in the study and would not come down for a while. She happened to complain to her mother.

"Mom, there is an aunt in the community who always looks for her father. She talks just like you did just now. Her father ignores her, and she still looks for her father. It's so annoying."

Tang Xiaonan's body collapsed immediately. She just asked casually, but she didn't expect that there was a situation, but Huo Jinzhi's performance was not bad, and she didn't give the vixen a chance.

"Is it the aunt who lives in the community?"

"Well, it's new, and it smells good. It makes me sneeze all the time. Sasha said that the aunt also talked to her father, and her mother was furious."

Tang Xiaonan was even more relieved. It seems that this is a queen of the sea. She came to the community to cast a net and fish. She knows about Sasha's father. She is an upstart in IT and has a website. My mother was a college classmate, and everyone said she was a golden boy and a beautiful girl. I didn't expect such a loving couple to have problems.

When men are rich, they will become bad indeed!

It's still her family's man who can stand the test.

Tang Xiaonan and Xiaobei chatted for a while. The car had already arrived at the community. It was almost Christmas time. A super gorgeous Christmas tree was erected in the community. The lights were flashing, as if the day after tomorrow would be Christmas Eve.

"Mrs. Huo has been out for a long time this time!"

The doorman knew the Huo family's car and came over to say hello. Tang Xiaonan smiled and took a vacuum-packed roast chicken from the car. There were no specialties there, but the roast chicken tasted good. She bought a lot and came back .

"Take this roast chicken back and eat it, it tastes pretty good."

"Oh... Mrs. Huo is too polite, thank you." The guard smiled more attentively. There are so many rich ladies in the community, and his favorite is Mrs. Huo. She is friendly and generous, and never looked down on their security guards. .

Some rich wives are looking at the sky, looking at their security guards like looking at slaves, the tone of voice that makes them want to beat people.

In fact, there are several households with empty shelves. Don't look at the Mercedes-Benz and BMW driving, but they are all false. The bank owes a lot of debt and may go bankrupt at any time. They act as security guards. Knowing well, who's family is very clear.

Like the Huo family, they are the most well-off in the community. They are really rich, not pretending. The guard now understands that those who put on high airs are nine times out of ten. Because they lack confidence, they are arrogant.

And Mrs. Huo is really rich, people don't need to put on airs, because she is really rich and has enough confidence, so she doesn't need to make a fuss about those false feelings.

Tang Xiaonan didn't know that it was just a roast chicken, so she let the guards slander it a lot. Of course, she was also winning people's hearts.

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