Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2201: It's nice to be home

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, she can't guarantee that her family will always be rich, and she can't be sure that the low-pitched security guard will be useless in the future.

It's better to have more good relationships than one more enemy. Besides, Tang Xiaonan really can't act like a boss. She never feels that she is a great person, just that she has more money than others, and there is no need to turn her nose up. Look at people.

The driver drove into the community very slowly. The community was very lively at night. There were many people walking and children playing. The street lights illuminated the community very brightly, and there were almost no dead spots.

Tang Xiaonan rolled down the car window, took a breath of cold air, and immediately felt refreshed. She was exhausted these days, but she was still comfortable at home, there was nothing like home.

"Madam, today's young people are so courageous, they hug each other outside." The driver suddenly sighed.


Tang Xiaonan looked out, the driver pointed and slowed down the car. There was indeed a man and a woman doing intimate actions under a Wendan tree in front of her. With long hair, he lowered his head slightly, and was talking to a man, and he was very close, which was equivalent to snuggling in a man's arms.

The woman was facing sideways, and the street light was shining on them. She could see clearly that Tang Xiaonan didn't know this woman. She was either a new mover or a guest. She was pretty good-looking, but she mainly depended on makeup. Women's makeup skills are very good, and the foundation may only be 70 points, and makeup blessings can score 90 points.

The man turned his back to him and couldn't see his face, but he looked familiar from the back.

"Maybe it's a couple."

Tang Xiaonan smiled and was about to roll up the car window, just as the man turned to look over, she groaned, this man was really an acquaintance, and it was the Sasha dad Xiaobei mentioned just now.

But that woman is not Sasha's mother. Damn, this Sasha's father is really daring, and he is actually a mistress in the community, and he doesn't care about his wife at all.


"Isn't that Mr. Li?"

The driver also recognized it and was very surprised, but he wisely didn't say it anymore. Rich men are like this. They play tricks outside, and the red flag at home doesn't fall. However, there are really few people who bring the vixen home as blatantly as Mr. Li.

However, there are very few people like Mr. Huo in his family. He can't even count a single hand board. His wife is lucky.

When she got home, Tang Xiaonan asked the driver to go home to rest. She carried her suitcase into the house, and in the yard, she heard Xiaobei's playful noise. Tang Xiaonan couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips and smiled knowingly.

She didn't rush into the house, she watched from the door, Xiaobei and Yuanbao were playing, one person and one dog had a great time, and the chubby Kangkang was lying under the coffee table, kindly watching them making noise, Kangkang is now an amazing weight , Ten oranges and nine fats are not what I said, but Kangkang has a good temper, especially sticking to Xiaonan. When Xiaonan went to school, he stayed at home quietly and rarely went out to play.

Yuanbao and Kangkang both found Tang Xiaonan, Yuanbao was the fastest, rushed over with a whimper, threw herself on top of her, and begged for a hug. Go in circles.


Xiaobei also rushed over and hung on Tang Xiaonan, holding one in each hand, exhausting her.

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