Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2228: fight for custody

Last night, Tang Xiaonan took pictures of the scars on Alex's body. There are new and old ones. They are all secretly wounds on his back, chest and thighs. There is also a video of Alex, saying that he has suffered over the years. Experience, these are favorable evidence, Chen Jianbo can submit to the court to apply for the cancellation of Lilian's guardian qualification.

"Okay, I'll be there anytime!"

Lilian's tone was relaxed and she was not worried. She was still cautious abroad, for fear that she would be found to have beaten her son, otherwise she would be reported and she would have to go to jail.

Now she is not afraid at all. Huaguo has always been popular with sticks and filial sons. Parents teach their children that it is right and proper. Whoever has enough to eat will meddle in this business. Hmph, this Mrs. Huo really takes it for granted.

Tang Xiaonan sneered and glanced at Alex. The child seemed to understand what she meant, blinked, and followed Lillian home.

"Mom, will Xiaoya be beaten?"

Xiaobei is very worried about his little friend.

"It's okay, Xiaoya's father is coming soon and will come to save Xiaoya."

Tang Xiaonan comforted her daughter, she can only help the child to get here, after all, she is only an outsider, some things are not easy to intervene, Chen Jianbo can only act when he comes.

Chen Jianbo's action was very fast, and he called Tang Xiaonan in the afternoon. He had already arrived in Songcheng and booked a hotel, hoping to meet Tang Xiaonan.

"I am coming now."

Tang Xiaonan was a little surprised. It came so quickly, but she felt a lot more at ease, indicating that Chen Jianbo really missed his son, and Alex would have a better life with his father.

She drove to the hotel in person. Chen Jianbo's appearance was somewhat unexpected. He was a very handsome man. Although he was a little fat, he was still handsome and exuded the charm of a mature man.

At least he's much more handsome than Sasha's father. This Shi Zhenxiang is just too drenched in her brain to kick out such a high-quality man.

"Hello, I'm Tang Xiaonan."

Tang Xiaonan stretched out her hand and introduced herself.

"Hello, thank you very much. I'm Jiajia's father. How is Jiajia now?" As soon as Chen Jianbo sat down, he eagerly asked about his son's condition. It has been four years, and he has been thinking about it day and night. son.

"Here's a picture of him."

Tang Xiaonan took out her mobile phone, which contained a photo of Alex. It was taken last night. He was wearing a small suit and a bow tie, a very beautiful little boy, but Chen Jianbo cried when he saw it. A big man was crying.

"I lost weight. When I was a child, I was chubby and my face was full of flesh. Now I am thin to the bone. Jiajia is unhappy. His face is saying that he is not happy. It's my fault and shouldn't give up. His, I should fight for his..."

Chen Jianbo cried and regretted it too much. He only glanced at his son and knew that the child was not doing well, and his eyes were full of melancholy. No wonder he cried so sadly on the phone last night.

Tang Xiaonan didn't know how to comfort him, so he had to let the man cry enough. After a long time, Chen Jianbo stopped crying, wiped his tears embarrassedly, and his eyes were red.

"I'm going to file a lawsuit, I'm going to take Jiajia back."

Chen Jianbo made up his mind that even if he went bankrupt, he would take back the custody of his son.

He can't let Shi Zhenxiang's woman harm his son again.

"Mr. Chen, here is some evidence that may help you in your lawsuit, but you must be calm and don't be impulsive!"

Tang Xiaonan hesitated for a while, and handed him a USB flash drive, which was a photo of Alex's scars.

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