Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2229: Hotel is too expensive

Tang Xiaonan was afraid that Chen Jianbo would not be able to accept it. After all, how could a father who really loves his child accept that his son was abused, even if he had the heart to kill Shi Zhenxiang.

"I'm mentally prepared, don't worry, I won't be impulsive."

Chen Jianbo took a deep breath, took the USB flash drive, and was about to go back to the room to check it out, just in time for him to bring the computer.

"In addition, Shi Zhenxiang was also involved in some emotional disputes. She stepped on several boats at the same time, and she was the owner of my community, which caused public outrage. If Mr. Chen is patient, he can wait for the results of the private detective to come out before filing a lawsuit. This way, the odds of winning are better. Bigger." Tang Xiaonan suggested.

Chen Jianbo sneered, "She really doesn't eat shit."

And gratefully said: "Thank you, I took a long vacation this time, no matter how long I will wait."

Tang Xiaonan took a look at the hotel environment. It was a fast-paced hotel and a mid-range hotel, but it was only 200 yuan a night. The price of hotels in Songcheng is expensive in the whole country.

According to Xiaobei, Chen Jianbo is a doctor, and his salary should not be too high. If he stays in this hotel for too long, I am afraid that the burden will be very heavy, and there will be a lawsuit.

Tang Xiaonan suddenly felt sympathy and said, "It's inconvenient for Mr. Chen to live in a hotel, after all, it's not a day or two, if you don't dislike it, I have an empty house, which is a bit small, but it's okay to live alone. Yes, the furniture is ready-made, you just need to buy some daily necessities."

"That's too embarrassing, I disturb you too much." Chen Jianbo was embarrassed, but still refused.

"No worries, your son and my daughter are very good partners, and I like Jiajia very much. You don't need to feel embarrassed. If you can help out when you are out, I can speak directly. My house was originally If it's empty, you won't be allowed to live in vain, just pay the rent according to the market price."

Tang Xiaonan knew that the man was afraid of being embarrassed, so he persuaded a few more words. Chen Jianbo was not a hypocritical person. After thinking for a while, he agreed.

"I'm not afraid of your joke. My economy is indeed not as good as Shi Zhenxiang's. With a dead salary, the consumption in Songcheng is a bit more expensive than I imagined."

Chen Jianbo smiled embarrassedly, but he was also generous. He was neither poor nor rich, so raising a son would definitely be no problem, but the hotel here is really expensive, of course, it's not that he can't afford it. What the lady said makes sense, let's save the money and file a lawsuit.

"The rent must be collected, or I'll be embarrassed to live here."

"Don't worry, I won't let you live in vain. I'll take you to that house now."

Tang Xiaonan smiled, and when Chen Jianbo checked out, he drove him to the house. It was a property she bought when she was a girl. It was only about fifty square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. The tenant just checked out a while ago and has not yet rented it out. Of course, I have no worries about renting it out. This house is in a good location and a small area, so it is very easy to rent.

But she is not short of this amount of money now, and doing good deeds is also considered a virtue.

"That's it. Just go and buy some bedding. The pots, bowls and kitchen utensils are all ready-made. The last tenant was an employee of a nearby foreign company. The quality is very high, and the house is cleaned very well."

Tang Xiaonan opened the door, but fortunately she put a bunch of keys in the car, just like a renter, all of them are her property, and it was fun to watch.

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