Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2230: Father and son get together

The house is indeed very clean. The last tenant was a clean white-collar worker. Although he was a boy, he was very clean. He just checked out because he changed his company.

Chen Jianbo was particularly satisfied, "It's cooler than my own home, thank you so much."

"You're welcome, here's the key."

Tang Xiaonan gave him the key, told him where the nearby shopping mall was, and was about to leave.

Chen Jianbo stopped and seemed to hesitate, and finally said, "I know my request is a bit too much, but can you let me meet Jiajia? I miss him so much, for four years, I dream every day. It's him."

"Last night I took your son in for the night, and the next morning Shi Zhenxiang came to the door and said that I kidnapped the child. Your ex-wife is not easy to mess with."

Tang Xiaonan was a little embarrassed. It would definitely not work to bring Alex out privately. That would give Lilian a handle. Seeing Chen Jianbo's sad face, she couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't see her son for four years, which was really pitiful.

He said, "Well, you come to my house tomorrow as a guest, and I will find a way to take Jiajia over and let you meet."

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Chen Jianbo was overjoyed, and thanked him repeatedly, but he almost knelt down and thanked him.

Tang Xiaonan went home and called Ding Chunlan to talk about it.

"It seems that Xiaoya's father is quite attentive. This child's life with his father will definitely not be bad. Xiaonan, you are doing a good deed, and there will be good things in the future." Ding Chunlan said.

"I just can't watch the child suffer. Sister Lan, you don't know, Alex is full of injuries. That Shi Zhenxiang is really not a thing. It's not as good as a beast, and there will be retribution in the future!"

Tang Xiaonan scolded her through gritted teeth. The stepmother's abuse of the child can still be said to be not her own. This is her own mother. How can she do it?

"There will definitely be retribution. The detective introduced by Xiao An's mother has already started work. Hmph, this **** is about to end!" Ding Chunlan sneered. Although she had dispelled her suspicions about her husband, she still let the detective investigate her husband by the way. , in case there is something tricky.

Just in case, men are not reliable big hooves.

The next day after the kindergarten, Xiaobei called Alex. Lilian was not at home. She was outside almost every day, and sometimes she didn't come back at night.

"Xiaoya, did your mother beat you that day?" Xiaobei asked.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Alex was calm, not used to his mother not hitting him.

"Your mother is a witch, the worst witch!"

Xiao Bei was so angry that he put his hands on his hips and wanted to take revenge for his little friend, but was persuaded by Alex. The two little guys met head to head to eat snacks. You took a bite and I took a bite.

Tang Xiaonan has already picked up Chen Jianbo. Just when he came back, Chen Jianbo took care of himself. He was very excited and his eyes were a little red. Last night, he looked at the photos in the USB flash drive and cried all night. He couldn't sleep at all. Determined to win his son.

"Jiajia...I saw him..."

Standing at the door, Chen Jianbo started to cry again. This man really likes to cry. Big men have more tears than some women.

Alex may have sensed it, turned his head to look at the door, and saw his father who was crying. Although he hadn't seen him for four years, he still recognized it at a glance. The little boy was stunned, and then turned red. Eyes closed, tears streamed down.


"Jia Jia!"

The father and son ran towards each other at the same time, hugging each other and crying.

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