Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 227: ulterior motive

When she was young, Shi Lan's face was full and round, her brows and eyes curled with a smile, she could see that she was a lively and cheerful girl, and her figure was slightly plump, but she was not slender, but now Shi Lan is skinny and not as fond of smiling as before. , I feel pity for some sister Lin.

Must be worried about the child, poor second aunt, alas!

Since she has become Tang Xiaonan, she will definitely prevent the tragedy from happening, so—

"Second aunt hugs!"

Tang Xiaonan reached out to Shi Lan for a hug, Shi Lan smiled tenderly, and reached out to hug her too, Tang Laigui was afraid that his niece would sit on his daughter-in-law's tiny legs, so he smiled and said, "Xiao Nan is very heavy, the second uncle is holding her too much. Okay."

"Don't sink, second aunt hugs!"

Tang Xiaonan was unhappy and was about to climb down by herself. Tang Laigui couldn't beat her, so she had to ask her to find Shi Lan. Of course, Tang Xiaonan wouldn't let Shi Lan really hug her. Standing half.

Zhang Manyue is still talking about Liu Xiangu's supernatural powers, who has a big fat boy, who has two children, and who has twins... Under her boast, this Liu Xiangu is better than sending children Guanyin cross.

"These are also what Huai Linniang told you?" Tang Baishan said angrily.

Zhang Manyue was stunned for a moment, and her expression became embarrassed. After all, she had a fight with Huang Huailin's family some time ago. Of course, when she said this, she and Huailinniang had a good relationship. Now they don't say hello when they meet on the road.

"In the future, don't interact with Huai Linniang. This family has more hearts than your hair. You can't get over ten Zhang Manyue." Tang Baishan's tone became serious.

Zhang Manyue was immediately annoyed, she glared fiercely, and scolded a few words silently. The children gave the dead old man face first, and after the children left, let's see how she cleans up the old man!

Tang Xiaonan's heart throbbed again, isn't Huang Huailin the younger brother of Huang Fengxian?

In other words, this Liu Xiangu was introduced to her grandma by Huang Fengxian's mother?

Shi Lan died because of these medicines, Tang Laigui went mad and died, Tang Baishan and Zhang Manyue sent the black-haired man, and they were so sad that they lingered on the bed. A few years after Tang Baishan's death, Zhang Manyue also left, and then Tang Laifu And Xu Jinfeng, the whole family left one after another like a flood.

These packets of medicine can be said to be the trigger for the tragedy of the Tang family!

Is Huang Fengxian's mother really good for the Tang family, or does she have ulterior motives?

Tang Xiaonan didn't believe that Huang Fengxian's mother would be so kind and help the Tang family to spread their branches and leaves. This old woman, like Huang Fengxian, is not good, she must not be so kind.

It's more likely that Huang Fengxian's mother deliberately wanted to harm Shi Lan. Zhang Manyue said that the old woman's family was in Liuxia Village, and that Liu Xiangu's remedies were sold to so many people. It must be not only Shi Lan that had an accident, but it is possible that other people also gave birth. With the deformed fetus, it is impossible for the rumors to not come out at all, and Huang Fengxian's mother will hear some of it.

So, this old woman knew that there was something wrong with the medicine, and she introduced it to Zhang Manyue, which was too vicious.

But why did Huang Fengxian's mother kill Shi Lan?

The book didn't say that the Tang family and this family had a life-and-death feud. At most, it was the fact that Huang Fengxian failed to marry into the Tang family, but this was not a big deal. After all, Huang Fengxian and her father Tang Laifu were not engaged, they were just in It's normal for the object to be yellow, but the biggest loss of the Huang family is to lose face.

If it was for this trivial matter, the Huang family would be too terrifying.


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